From Rags to RIches

Chapter: 13

The lobby of Tiancheng Securities Co., Ltd. was very green.
In the VIP office, Sister Xia screamed: “Don’t fall anymore, I’m so annoyed that this Guoan creature has only risen for three days. I started to fall for half a month before I threw it? Millions, the whole set is in prison.”
Sister Xia was so angry that she patted the table and slammed the door to let her breath out.
Sister Xia walked to the hall and saw Qin Ming and Nie Haitang looking up at the big screen. She was upright, and she was angry when she saw such a beautiful Nie Haitang. She hated women who were more beautiful than her.
She walked over and said: “Huh, there are really poor women who are not afraid of death. They are sitting daydreaming about getting rich all day long. Hey, what did you buy?”
Qin Ming was too lazy to take care of it, and Nie Haitang ignored the perfumed woman, pinching his nose and walking away for two steps.
It was the first time that Sister Xia was looked at these two people in disregard. How dare the two of them ignore her Fang Meixia?
Fang Meixia gritted her teeth with anger and shouted, “Ali. Which stock did they buy?”
The female manager quickly found Nie Haitang’s account with a tablet computer, and said quietly: “Shiji Tianyuan, this stock only fell to the limit yesterday, and it continued to fall after a slight increase at the opening. 298 could not be sold, and it is estimated that it will fall. Two are fools.”
Fang Meixia glanced at the stocks of Tianyuan in that century, and she suddenly smiled, her front was locked, and the two idiots’ money was lost, and she was in a good mood.
Fang Meixia said arrogantly: “Tsk tsk, don’t think that you will rush to the stock market after reading two more books, hahaha, the whole set of money has gone in? Is it over? Are you stupid?”
The female manager Ali also fanned the flames: “Do you need us to borrow ten dollars to let you go back by bus? We, Tiancheng Securities, provide customers with the best quality service.”
Nie Haitang originally trusted Qin Ming very much, but now her palms are soaked when she sees the dismal green of the market, she said nervously, “Qin Ming, is it really possible? Do we still have a chance?”
Qin Ming said confidently: “Don’t worry, it will rise against the market later, trust me.”
Fang Meixia said in the tone of a life mentor: “Hahaha, really sweet talk, little sister, let me tell you, this kind of man who can only brag, I still want to say, if you have no money, don’t talk about it, and you’re not down to earth. Have you pitted all your money in? If I were you, I would dump him immediately and spit out two sputums.”
Qin Ming frowned, did this woman lose her mind? Target him from the beginning, what are you doing? Really think he has a good temper?
He was about to have an attack when he suddenly saw the fat-eared boss hurriedly running downstairs with his mobile phone, yelling as he ran, “All the employees are here, the big boss is here, hurry up and line up.”
Fang Meixia was overjoyed and said, “Ha, the big boss is here. What do you think of the smelly silk? Is that the circle you can reach? The people you can contact? Hey, yes, your whole body is not enough. A hundred yuan of stinky silk is good enough to watch people from a distance.”
Qin Ming was really angry. He said to Nie Haitang, “Haitang, sit down and watch. I’ll go to the bathroom.”
At this time, outside the gate, Fang Meixia took her man Dai Gao’s arm and said, “Huh? Two cars, one Rolls Royce, one Mercedes, one man, one woman, who is it? Big boss? Is the girl a big boss lover?”
Hey, Dai Gao slapped him and cursed, “Beep what? The big boss can’t talk about anything. If you let the big boss listen, no one will have a good time.”
Fang Meixia was beaten inexplicably. Although she was full of resentment, she did not dare to attack. After all, she had to rely on this man to spend money to support her.
Dai Gao leaned forward with a smile and said, “Mr. Hou, respectfully welcoming you.”
However, Hou Qing pushed his hand and cursed: “You got in the way, get out of the way. What are you doing with so many people? The young master doesn’t like such noise, so he withdrew.”
Dai Gao was slapped and didn’t dare to scream. Knowing that he hadn’t gotten a flattering in this battle, he quickly stepped aside and waved his hand and shouted, “I’m gone, let’s go to work.”
After Hou Qing finished cursing Dai Gao, he bent over to open the door to Song Ying, and said with a pleasant tone, “Secretary Song, didn’t the young master come with you?”
Song Ying’s two snow-white long legs stretched out, a capable professional outfit, her black hair curled up behind her head, her white and flawless face with melon seeds, she was as beautiful as a god, but her sharp eyes warned everyone who coveted her. People, she is not easy to mess with.
Song Ying carried a tablet computer, and said as she walked, “Master has arrived. I’m waiting inside.”
Hou Qing made a sudden shock and said nervously: “What? Why… Damn, I’m really damn, I’m late, Secretary Song will ask you to beg for me with Young Master, I really didn’t mean to be late on purpose.”
Song Ying said calmly: “It’s okay, Master deliberately came to inspect the branch office early.”
Dai Gao, Fang Meixia, and the female manager, Ali, could hear that there were people on the top of the big boss. This beauty is just the secretary of the young master, and the young master has already arrived?
But in the morning, didn’t see any young top rich second-generation come to the company?
Everyone couldn’t help but think of Qin Ming, but laughed again. How could it be him? It’s a lot of soil for the Huawei thousand yuan machine that I used to spread the goods all over the place.
The crowd crowded Song Ying to the office, only to see Qin Ming sitting inside.
Dai Gao took a look, is this man crazy? He cursed: “Is your kid crazy? How did you get in? Get out, get out quickly, security guard. Keep…”
With a slap, Hou Qing slapped him, making Dai Gao dizzy.
Hou Qing scolded: “What’s your nerve on Degao? You can also scold the young master? Do you want to do it? When the boss of a securities company is a stalker?”
After speaking, Hou Qing stepped forward three steps, bowed at ninety degrees, and said, “I’m sorry, Master, I’m late.”
Dai Gao, Fang Meixia, and the female manager, Ali, are all dumbfounded. This young man in such a dirty dress is actually the person behind the big boss?
how can that be? He came by dripping.
The account he, he opened is only 100,000 yuan.
Dai Gao’s face was pale, with a cold sweat, and suddenly his legs became soft and he knelt down.
That Fang Meixia was even more unbelievable: “Big boss, did you admit the wrong person? This guy is a scumbag.”
As soon as Fang Meixia spoke, she was slapped over by Song Ying. Song Ying’s palm strength was surprisingly strong. Fang Meixia was shot directly out of the sky, lying on the ground, three teeth bounced, her mouth was bloody, her hair was messy, and her whole body It’s all bad.
Song Ying frowned and said, “Is this an employee here? Why is he not wearing work clothes?”
Dagoba frankly said: “She, she…uuu…Hou always save me.”
Hou Qing didn’t understand what Dai Gao was doing, but he understood when Dai Gao asked for mercy. Qin Ming must have arrived early, but Dai Gao was negligent. Now he finds that Qin Ming is noble and he regrets it, but it is too late. .
Hou Qing scolded in his heart: “This idiot! He even burned the fire on me.”
He asked cautiously: “Master…”
Qin Mingxu raised his palm and said faintly: “It will work right away, pushing up the stock price of Shiji Tianyuan. If this matter is not good, you can go away.”
Gulu, Hou Qing swallowed, and infinite fear rose in his heart, because his glory and wealth, his high status, are pinched in the hands of this person in front of him.

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