The Protector

Chapter: 3232

At that moment, they knew that everything Ye Junlin said was right.

They really can’t!

In this world, they are still far from being able to be independent.

Their power is limited to the Tenjin Division.

Outside, it’s really worthless.

By the time everyone reacted, it was already too late.

Only at this time did they realize that the factions of Zhen Mosi were aimed at their roots.

I also understand that Ye Junlin’s layout in advance is correct, just to prevent such a situation from happening.


Very sorry!

But there is no regret medicine in this world!

If they don’t listen to Ye Junlin’s words, they will pay the corresponding price.

The price is still heavy!

And only then did they realize how terrifying their roots were.

Those who deal with them every day, the people who call them brothers and sisters, are all for their roots.

I didn’t do it for the time being because it was too difficult to transplant the root bone.

Especially when their five-element root bones are excavated and fused together, it is almost impossible for them to complete.

After being brought here, a dozen people were already waiting for them.

These people either have scars on their faces like devils, or they are blind and deaf, and people with fewer legs and fewer arms.

Bone Master!

Specializing in this insidious deed!

got punished!

Paid the price!

Just like many fortune-tellers who make good calculations, although they are accurate, they occasionally pay a price.

Many people are disabled by themselves, and there are even disasters to their family members.

What the bone master is doing is transplanting root bones, which is equivalent to transferring other people’s innate luck, and it is normal to pay a price.

Therefore, bone masters are very rare in the major factions of the Suppression Division.

But someone will definitely do it.

There are actually ten bone masters in this force that Xu Qingya and the others are afraid of to death.

It is estimated that they would not have thought that there would be so many.

When the five Qinglong people were brought here, the ten bone masters began to act.

To transplant the root bone.

A young man was lying on a stone bed not far away, looking at the five Qinglong people with ferocious excitement.

Obviously, the root bones of the five Qinglong people will be transplanted to him!

He is ready.

The bone master did not let the five Qinglong pass out, and they had to be awake so that the spirituality of the root bones could be maintained.

When they are awake, use tools such as a broken spirit knife to dig out their root bones little by little.

During this period, the five Qinglong suffered the most extreme pain and torture to the greatest extent.

These bone masters didn’t let them pass out at all and stayed awake at all times.

Therefore, they have been guarding this endless pain.

He watched helplessly as the bone masters dug out all their root bones with the Broken Spirit Knife.

Then they fused the root bones of the five people using secret techniques and tools.

It was then transplanted into the body of the young man next to him.

The whole process was slow and it took a long, long time.

The screams of Qinglong and the others have not stopped, which means that they have died over and over again.


Just so sorry!

Why didn’t you listen to Ye Junlin?

Why go it alone?

Did your sister-in-law persuade them that much?

Isn’t it bad to be a kid?

Isn’t it bad to let the boss protect you?

Several people lay there with miserable smiles.

All this is now the result of their own brewing.

No one else to blame!

Only they can blame themselves!

Now that the root bones have been dug out, no one cares about them.

They also felt that their bodies were extremely weak, as if the string of life had been forcibly torn.

They are going to die.

Everything in the past is like a movie, constantly replaying in their minds.

Especially the shadow of the boss keeps appearing.

Everything is an omen before death.

They couldn’t lift their eyelids.


If you have a chance!

We will be brothers in the next life!

Do not!

Must be a brother!

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