A Dish Best Served Cold

Chapter: 1802

At that moment, Ye Fan seemed to see Wan Yue’er crying with tears, and tearing down his diary.
Until now, Ye Fan had only realized that this sensible girl had so many thoughts hidden in her heart.
She could tell Ye Fan, she could ask Ye Fan to stay with her for a few more days.
But she didn’t. Instead, she accompanied Ye Fan to the Sword God Palace with full of regret.
She didn’t want to delay Ye Fan’s time.
She also knew that Ye Fan was not obligated to accompany her.
She was just a servant of Ye Fan, a little girl who was insignificant and a dying person whose life was about to come to an end.
But even so, she still worked hard to treat Ye Fan well and help Ye Fan to do something.
She didn’t know how to cook, so she tried to warm Ye Fan with milk.
He had never washed his clothes, but at night when Ye Fan was asleep, he secretly took Ye Fan’s dirty clothes to wash.
She was born in Japan and was taught by the Sword God, but regardless of her position, she risked the world’s bad faith and gave Ye Fan the Ba Chi Qiong Gouyu.
She is obviously very courageous, but in order to protect Ye Fan, she is willing to use her life to force Xu Zuo Mingzun to give up killing Ye Fan, and force them to swear that Ye Fan will return home safely.
Ye Fan didn’t know many things, but Haruhi Yingyue didn’t care.
Like a person, I didn’t intend to return.
I just want to stay with him silently, give silently, and treat him desperately.
As long as her master can do it well, that’s enough.
Outside, the night is thick and the wind is quiet.
In the room, Ye Fan was stunned.
The note was lying there quietly, and the three-life rope in Ye Fan’s hand was swaying in the wind.
When people encounter this world, they are bound to determine the three lives.
At a certain moment, somewhere in Ye Fan’s heart, it seemed as if it cracked, and sorrowful water flowed out.
He raised his head and looked around.
It seemed to see again that a stupid girl walked in with warm milk. With the most moving voice, keep calling the master.
“Master, sorry, sorry~”
“Yue’er really didn’t mean it.” In front of the sofa, she wiped Ye Fan’s milk scum with full of apologies.

“Master, look at that dolphin, it’s so cute~”
“I heard that your Chinese pandas are also very cute. Shall we go see pandas together in the future?”
“No way, too tired Master.”
“Let’s take a break and go to Sensoji Temple later~”
“Master, do you know?”
“Sakura is a symbol of love.”
“It is the happiest thing in your life to watch cherry blossoms with someone you like?”
The past is like a tide, one calendar, one scene after another, like an old slideshow, constantly emerging in front of Ye Fan.
Everything is so real and so illusory.
It is as if the girl named Haruong Yingyue was right in front of her and never left.
The intoxicating face, graceful body, silver bell-like laughter, and even her fringes, are like the most beautiful gifts in the world.
Suddenly, a cold wind blows in from outside the window.
Ye Fan’s body shuddered suddenly.
When he looked back, there was no one around, only the dim light flickering.
There is no intoxicating girl, no silver-bell-like laughter, and no sound of the “master” calling.
Only the bright moonlight outside the window, the fragmented familiar scene, so quiet.
Who smiles, who warm palms, I am fascinated~
The scars seem to have become what they used to be…

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