A Dish Best Served Cold

Chapter: 2585

The words were cold, and the world was here in an instant, causing huge waves.
The majesty and majesty contained in those words, for Leiluo and others, if Tarzan was on the top, it was so heavy that Leiluo and others were almost out of breath.
Panicked, Leiluo and the others immediately bowed and explained, “No…no, king, you misunderstood.”
“You are the leader of our Indian martial arts. In front of you, I am Lei Luo but ants motes, insignificant, how dare you teach you to do things?”
“It’s a villain who talks a lot, I damn, I made a mistake, please forgive me~”
Leiluo was obviously frightened, his whole body almost lost.
Kneeling on the ground, he slapped himself and explained as if for mercy.
The man was expressionless, with indifferent eyes, still looking down at Lei Luo and others at his feet.
However, at this moment, the energy fluctuation from the island in the heart of the lake finally reached here.
In an instant, strong winds were everywhere here, and the rich and pure power of heaven and earth swept from the depths of the dense forest, and then whizzed past.
The robes of the men were all hunting.
After feeling this pure power, Leiluo everyone was shocked.
The fear on the old face dissipated, replaced by doubt and curiosity.
“What a strong power?”
“what happened?”
“Could it be that another Yuanling fruit tree was born?”
Lei Luo shouted in surprise.
Next to him, the majestic man’s brows also sank.
He turned his head and looked in the direction from which this force was coming. At the corner of his mouth, an arc slowly bloomed.
“Finally, did it appear?”
“It seems that the information of the Persian king is not wrong.”
The man was talking to himself, with an inexplicable excitement and joy in his eyebrows.
Just like, the greedy hungry wolf finally found its prey after searching for a long time.
This energy storm is coming fast, and it’s also spreading fast.
After just a few seconds, it was calm again.
However, it doesn’t matter, as long as you rush in the direction where the power is coming from, you will inevitably find suspiciousness when you get closer.
As far as the treasures of heaven and earth are concerned, the spiritual power contained in them is extremely rich.
You can feel it when you get close.
At this time, the man once again set his sights on Lei Luo and them.
“A bunch of incompetent things, don’t you want to make way for this king?”
“I have delayed this king’s major event, what can you do?”
Now what he had been searching for for many days finally appeared. Naturally, the man didn’t want to waste time on these wastes anymore, and immediately gave a low voice and let them go away.
Naturally, Lei Luo and the others did not dare to complain, and without saying anything, they crawled around immediately to make way for the man in front of them.
The man stopped lingering, and hurried away in the direction where the force came.
However, before he took a few steps, the man’s pace suddenly stopped.
He didn’t turn around, his back to them.
When Lei Luo and others saw this, they knelt there again, waiting for the man’s instructions.
“In the future, you will remember that compared to the title “king”, I prefer others to call me the King of Heaven. ”
The deep words, like a cold wind, swept past the dense forest from here.
Leiluo and others immediately nodded and agreed.
“Yes, Heavenly King, we all remember it.”
Lei Luo and the others were still kneeling on the ground, their words filled with fear and respect.
At this time, the man had already gone.

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