A Dish Best Served Cold

Chapter: 3671


“What did I just do?”


“Damn Ivy Logistics!”

“I’ll fuck your eighth ancestor!”


In the villa, Meng Chuan’s angry and mournful mourning came.

Then, Meng Chuan ran to the bathroom and vomited.

Meng Chuan never dreamed that he almost fell for a big guy just now.

The key is that this big guy is ugly.

Meng Chuan felt that this shadow could never be eliminated in this life.



On the other side, the second wave of people came to the small courtyard by the city again.

“Be careful!”

“Don’t make a sound.”

“This time, we must get rid of that little beast without knowing it!”

“Young master is already in a hurry, let’s fight, we must not let the young master down again!”

The leader climbed over the high wall and whispered to the subordinates behind him.

However, just after he jumped off the wall, he turned his head and found that his subordinates were riding on the wall and didn’t dare to move.

“You guys, what are you dawdling for?”

“Come down soon and come with me?”

“Remember, be quiet when you jump.”

“You must, without knowing it!”

The leader stared and roared in a low voice.

“Boss, you…look…look behind…”

The subordinates didn’t come down, just panicked, fingers trembling and pointing forward.

The leading man turned his head to look.

But it doesn’t matter if you don’t look at it. When you look at it, the man’s whole body trembled immediately, his legs went limp, and he squatted on the ground directly.

“you you…”

There was snow in the night sky.

Outside, the dim street lights slowly expel the darkness.

Under the eaves of the small courtyard, Ye Fan just sat like that.

The little guy in his arms was sleeping soundly.

And Ye Fan just looked at the few people in front of him with such a smile.

However, at this time, Ye Fan’s warm smile fell into the eyes of these people, which was extremely terrifying.

A few minutes later.

The courtyard returned to peace.

But in the yard, there have been several more bodies.

The falling snow dyed their clothes white.

“Baba, is it dawn?”

The little guy in his arms seemed to wake up.

Rubbing his eyes, he whispered softly, as if he was talking in a dream.

Ye Fan looked at the child in his arms tenderly and whispered lightly, as if he had traveled through the ages.

“Dad is here, the sky is always bright.”

This night, for this little guy, was the deepest and safest night he slept in so many years.

No one’s embrace has ever made Xiao Xiaofan feel so warm.

That kind of full of security, even if the world ends, the little guy will not be afraid of it.

“Xiaofan, Xiaofan…”

In the dimness, the little guy seemed to be woken up by someone.

He opened his eyes and saw Qiu Mucheng with a worried expression.

“Xiaofan, are you alright, have you scared mother?”

As Qiu Mucheng spoke, she burst into tears.

It had been a while since she woke up, only to feel a terrible headache.

When I opened my eyes, I found myself lying in the house of my friend Yu Bing.

She didn’t know how she got here, but she only remembered drinking a cup of tea before she fell into a coma.

After waking up, Qiu Mucheng saw Liu Yubing who had just returned from the police station.

It turned out that Liu Yubing had woken up a long time ago, found those people lying in the yard, and immediately called the police.

The police took the men away after a while.

Later, Liu Yubing told Qiu Mucheng that someone wanted to harm her son last night.

Qiu Mucheng was naturally frightened, and it was not until she saw Xiao Xiaofan woke up that she completely let down her heart, but because of her worry, the tears in her eyes still flowed uncontrollably.

“Mom doesn’t cry.”

“Xiaofan is fine.”

The little guy wisely helped his mother wipe away her tears, and then smiled.

“Mom, I seem to have dreamed of Baba…”


At that time, Qiu Mucheng’s body trembled when she heard it.

A touch of panic, suddenly magnified in her eyes.

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