A Dish Best Served Cold

Chapter: 4224

The two attacked again.

That bang was astonishing.

“I want to win!”

The people of Jiangdong clenched their palms and prayed in their hearts.

“Kill him!”

The Chumen strong man gritted his teeth, and the string in his heart tightened immediately.

Roaring in my heart, I hope their old sect master can kill Chu Tianfan.

Just like that, under the attention of everyone, Ye Fan and Chu Yuan launched a new round of fierce confrontation.

However, the stalemate that everyone expected did not appear.

Facing Ye Fan’s earth-shattering punch, Chu Yuan was stunned to discover that all of his might, in Ye Fan’s talent for this punch, was disintegrating like a chicken and a dog.

“This this…”

“This is impossible!”

Chu Yuan’s old eyes widened, and his horrified expression quickly flooded his face like a tide.

He never dreamed that his dignified power of the gods could not be stopped for a moment under the current Ye Fan?

However, when he realized this cruel fact, it was too late.

Ye Fan’s punch that was like Thor’s hammer, after shattering Chu Yuan’s attack, directly hit Chu Yuan’s chest heavily.

Just hear a groan.

Chu Yuan’s body was hit hard.

Ribs were broken and blood was flying.

Seeing that, Chu Yuan’s chest sank rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the blood in his mouth was wild.

After the first hit, Ye Fan refused to forgive.

Followed closely, and stepped down again.

The slender figure is like a Dapeng spreading its wings at this time.


Another muffled sound.

As the blood spurted wildly, Chu Yuan’s body smashed into the ground below.

“Promise collapse!”

Between the stars, Ye Fan used the third move, Wuji Beng, immediately after he released two moves in a row.

This blow was created by Ye Fan’s own secret technique by combining the two styles of Yun Dao Tian Jue.

It is almost Ye Fan’s strongest single attack.

At the moment when this fist fell, everyone only felt that the starry sky had been punched through a hole.

The punch that broke through the sound barrier and the sound explosion it brought almost shattered everyone’s eardrums.

At this time, Ye Fan was completely insane.

After blowing up Chu Yuan with two moves, he even had to perform another thunderous blow on Chu Yuan.

Chu Qitian, who noticed the battle situation here, immediately turned red.

He realized that Ye Fan, this bastard, he was going to kill Chu Yuan!

“Bastard, how dare you?”

“Beast, stop me!”

For a time, on Yunding Mountain, several anxious and angry voices resounded through the heavens and the earth.

However, how could Ye Fan care?

Ye Fan, who had already killed his red eyes, had only one thought left in his heart.

That is, to destroy Chu Yuan,

For your ten years of hard work, draw an ending!

Finally, in the eyes of all.

Ye Fan’s last punch was as if the Tathagata’s palm fell from the sky.

Thunder exploded and golden light flashed.

Looking at it from a distance, it looks like a burning meteorite, falling fiercely.

bang bang bang bang bang…

There were eight consecutive explosions, like a nuclear explosion, blasting fiercely on the ground below.

Chu Yuan’s body was like a small boat in the violent storm. With one blow, it was knocked hundreds of meters away.

The continuous punching force exploded on Chu Yuan’s body one after another.

Every cracking sound was accompanied by Chu Yuan’s blood rushing.

Scarlet blood stained the ground beneath his feet.

The starry sky overhead, golden stars dotted.

Under his feet, red blood was flowing.

The dazzling gold and the dazzling scarlet undoubtedly became the brightest colors under this night sky.

Finally, after eight consecutive punches exploded, the world returned to peace.

The dust cleared and the fighting ceased.

The entire Yunding Mountain was silent.

It was as if time stood still.

In the world of Nuoda, only the breeze swept, and only the man stood proudly.

On the top of the Nine Heavens, Ye Fan stood proudly.

At his feet thousands of people looked up to him.

Like the most devout believers, looking up to the gods! !

13 replies on “Chapter: 4224”

I know the idiot will still stand and be making noise, ye fan should use this opportunity to kill all those trumeb powerhouses, it won’t be long for tang Yun and the 2 elders to come back…

What’s the situation? Is Chu Yuan blown to pieces? Why did the author remove Tang Yun from the war? Will she come to rescue her master?

Only two chapters. Not fair at all. Hope Chu Yuan is completely dead this time. Or his cultivation base completely destroyed.

Nah! This ain’t over yet. Ye Fan only used the 5th level Thunder Dragon Body. The 8th or 9th level will be use on the final battle.

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