A Dish Best Served Cold

Chapter: 5170

Wang Yuehe replied: “It’s very simple. I counted it before I came here. There are four titled masters in the Dragon God Temple, including the four dragon gods.”

“In the Chu family, in addition to the two elders Xuanming, there are two titled masters. ”

“In short, with Chu Tianfan, a total of nine new titled masters have joined.”

“When the time comes, we will break up these nine and divide them into nine giants.”

“But only Chu Tianfan will be the giant leader.”

“The other eight titles must not be given the position of giant leader, just let them do their work.”

Wang Yuehe expressed his thoughts.

The giant leader is the soul and brain of the giant formation. Whoever becomes the leader controls the actions of the entire giant.

Therefore, the selection of the giant leader needs to be very careful.

“Then what?”

“Who will take over the vacant giant leader?”

“You? Or him?”

Aaron asked back.

Wang Yuehe and the leader of the Han Kingdom martial arts looked at each other, and then said: “If the world needs us, it is not impossible for the two of us to sit on this leader.”

“Yes, we have no choice! ”

The two volunteered.

After hearing this, Aaron and Carlo shook their heads and smiled.

“The Giant Leader is a matter of great importance.”

“Even if I recommend you two to be the Giant Leader, do you think others will agree?”

“After all, your strength ranks too low among the titled masters.”

“It’s hard to convince everyone to let you each control a giant.”

“First of all, the God of War and the Sword Saint will be the first to stand up against you.”

Aaron poured two pots and two bunches down, directly dispelling the idea of ​​the two people.

“Then we can’t do it, let’s change someone else.”

“In short, we can’t let Ye Fan, the treacherous man, occupy the five giant leader positions.” Wang Yuehe gritted his teeth and said.

This time Carlo couldn’t listen any more and interrupted, “Sword God, we know that your Japanese martial arts have a deep hatred for Chu Tianfan. But don’t let your personal emotions get in the way of the overall situation against the World Tree.”

“We know what you said.”

“It is indeed risky for Chu Tianfan to become the leader alone.”

“But do we have any other choice besides this?”

“Chu Tianfan is not stupid. As you said, if we only give Chu Tianfan a spot as the leader of the giant formation, do you think he will agree?”

“You have to know that he is alone, but “The nine titled masters are now the top masters among the titled masters.” “Except Chu Tianfan, who else can command them and who can be their leader?” “Of course, we can also let these nine people form a giant formation.” “But there is no one else to be the leader of the giant?” “If we choose to reduce the effect of the giant formation in order to check and balance Ye Fan, it would be a waste of time.” Carlo’s words made Wang Yuehe and others speechless. Yes, Ye Fan is strong in himself, and it is natural for him to occupy multiple leader positions. Of course, if someone else is forced to be the leader of the giant, it is not impossible, but it will weaken the strength of the giant. This is unnecessary. After all, now the main contradiction of everyone is to deal with the world tree, not to check and balance Ye Fan. “But what you two said is not without reason.”

“It is indeed too much for Chu Tianfan to control five giants.”

“If Mike Jones is added, the number of giant leaders related to Chu Tianfan will reach six.”

“Too many.”

“Let me discuss with Carlo to see how to reduce the number of giants controlled by Chu Tianfan.”

What Wang Yuehe said did attract Aaron’s attention.

Although it is inevitable to let Ye Fan control several giants.

But we still need to pay attention to how to limit the power of Ye Fan’s side without weakening the overall strength of the giants.

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