A Dish Best Served Cold

Chapter: 5184

In Ye Fan’s view, the giant has already been fused.

But if the power between the giants is combined, the strength will naturally be greater.

Just like the four dragon gods back then, they used a combined attack formation to defeat countless powerful enemies of Truman.

After Ye Fan trained the giants in Chumen Mountain, a thousand giants began to gather frantically in the land of Yanxia.

Countless powerful men, like shooting stars, streaked across the sky.

Go straight to Yanshan!

Because Truman Mountain is on the other side of the ocean, it is far away from Yanxia.

Therefore, Sword Saint, God of War and others called Ye Fan specifically and asked him to hurry over.

Also training at Truman Mountain are the giants led by Mike Jones.

After he received the news of the World Tree riot, he immediately transformed into a giant.

Then, he went to Truman Mountain to find Ye Fan, planning to go to Yanxia with the four giants led by Ye Fan.

“Dragon Lord, it’s time to let the World Tree experience the ultimate power of our human world.”

“Don’t delay, let’s set off quickly.”

“Once the weapons attacks from the secular world are over, it will be time for us to show off our skills!”

Mike Jones can’t wait any longer.

The giant’s eyes, which were bigger than lanterns, were filled with bloodthirsty madness.

Among these giants, the one who hates the World Tree the most should be Mike Jones.

Just because, among so many titled masters, only his family died under the World Tree.

Over the years, he has been thinking about revenge all the time.

He even wanted to launch a siege on the World Tree in advance several times.

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