A Life Upside Down

Chapter: 1088

Lin Ziming said this loudly, full of majesty and determination, as well as a strong unwillingness, as if he was screaming at the gods, even the gods could not take Chu Fei’s life from him!
Chu Fei felt his emotions, was stunned, raised her head, and stared at him blankly for a few seconds, “Ziming…”
Lin Ziming once again showed a smile that was gentle enough to melt people away, and said softly: “Feifei, please believe me, I will definitely not let you disappear.”
Chu Fei bit her lip tightly. She saw Lin Ziming’s confidence and promise, moved to the extreme, nodded vigorously, and said, “Okay! I believe you!”
Lin Ziming smiled and said, “That’s good.”
Although he still saw sorrow and lack of confidence in Chu Fei’s eyes, he did not shake his confidence.
In the next few days, Lin Ziming did not go anywhere, so he stayed to accompany Chu Fei. The love between the two of them reached the extreme, and they both tacitly stopped mentioning this matter, as if they had really forgotten. .
For the first two days of Chu Fei, she was still very sad and guilty, but after a few days, she slowly relieved, anyway, this is her destiny, she has no way to change, only to accept the facts.
Speaking of it, her life is better than many people. There is a healthy and happy family, and a man who loves her deeply. This man is still a big man, and she has no regrets.
In the past few days, Lin Ziming didn’t have a special way to investigate how to treat her, he didn’t even contact the medical team for her, and he didn’t even frown in front of her, or he was tired of being with her every day, happy and happy. ,sweet.
And there was no reason to waste the last time of her life because she knew this. She was very happy, really happy.
However, what she didn’t know was that Lin Ziming hadn’t stopped investigating in the past few days, nor had he ever stopped trying to find a way. He always started investigating after Chu Fei was asleep.
He didn’t tell Chu Fei these things, but made him enjoy it in front of Chu Fei. He is now trying his best to please Chu Fei. This is his responsibility and responsibility as a man.
Through investigation, he probably understood that Chu Fei is an extremely rare disease. It is not so much a disease as a physical defect. It seems to be cursed by God. After a certain age, the body functions and lives. The origin is beginning to drain, even if you insist on exercising, taking medicine, or practicing martial arts, there is no cure.
In many ancient records, Lin Ziming found some clues, and discovered that for thousands of years, such cases have occurred from time to time. In terms of probability, one in a billion is really not an exaggeration.
Unexpectedly, Chu Fei is also such a cursed physique!
It’s… thief God!
During this week, Lin Ziming did his best to investigate and find a way. His workload was so heavy that even his abnormal physique could not help but feel a little tired!
Even in the middle of the night, he walked across the mountains to the nearest cities, met with many famous doctors, and found nothing.
Finally, from an old Chinese doctor who was over the past year, he inquired some information. There is no way to cure this disease with ordinary medical techniques. The only way is to find a medicine that can supplement the patient’s life source and fill the body. The gap can be cured!
Supplementing the source of life… When Lin Ziming heard this, there was a thunder in his mind, like a lightning strike, broad and cheerful.

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