A Life Upside Down

Chapter: 1106

Chu Fei finally realized that she was very old now, her hair was half white, and her face became pale and sallow. She was no longer the beautiful wife before, but became an old, yellow-faced woman!
She had prepared everything and went to die frankly, but she just couldn’t accept it, and Lin Ziming saw her ugly look!
In her thoughts, she wanted to leave a lifelong beautiful impression on Lin Ziming, instead of her pale hair and yellowish old man.
She could accept the spurs of the whole world, the only thing she could not accept was Lin Ziming’s slight disgust.
Even if Lin Ziming had no disgust, but it would destroy her imagination in Lin Ziming’s mind, then she would not like this.
There is a saying called “Women’s capacity to please oneself”, which means that a woman will dress up for the person she likes, and in the same way, a woman doesn’t want to be seen by the person she likes, which is worse than killing her. Uncomfortable.
Chu Fei is thinking this way now.
She was already like this, and Lin Ziming couldn’t be seen by Lin Ziming. She would rather not see Lin Ziming before she died than she did.
Lin Ziming felt her emotions, and his heart became even more uncomfortable, and his eyes became red a lot. He took a deep breath, unable to express his sadness. He held Chu Fei’s hand, very gentle and affectionate. He said: “Silly girl, what are you hiding? In my eyes, you are always the most beautiful. I fall in love with you, not your skin.”
Chu Fei put her face in the pillow, her shoulder twitched, and sobbed, “I don’t want it, I’m so ugly now, I don’t want you to see me like this!”
When Chu Huaxiong and Liu Suhong on the side heard this, their eyes were flushed, and they couldn’t help crying.
Lin Ziming hugged Chu Fei directly, and said with a smile: “You can’t use it to hide now, I’ve seen it just now.”
Chu Fei’s sigh became more painful, and she cried more loudly.
“Why do you come here now? I just want to go quietly. Why do you come here? I don’t want you to see my old and yellowish look…God, why are you doing this to me, oh oh oh. …” Chu Fei cried, and she could see that she was really sad. Sometimes a woman’s thoughts were so weird. She would rather die than be seen by her beloved. surface.
Lin Ziming’s nose was sour. He hugged Chu Fei vigorously, very firm, full of majesty and earnestness and said: “Tomorrow, you will be able to restore your beautiful appearance, Feifei, you just have to wait one more day, and you won’t something’s up.”
Chu Fei stiffened, but she still didn’t dare to show her head, but her voice was trembling, with a faint hope, “Ziming, is what you said is true? I am really, can I recover?”
Lin Ziming smiled brilliantly, put his right hand through the quilt, and clasped Chu Fei’s fingers tightly, and said, “Of course it is true. You don’t know how good I am.”
Chu Fei was silent for a while, and said, “However, I have searched for many famous doctors, and they are powerless. I am a rare and strange disease that cannot be cured.”
Lin Ziming said: “You are not sick, but there is a small problem temporarily in your body. There is a miraculous fruit between the world and the earth that can restore your health. It will not only restore your health, but also make you more radiant and add dozens of Years of life.”
In the ward, there were also doctors and nurses. Hearing Lin Ziming’s words, they all shook their heads, showing pity and sympathy, thinking that Lin Ziming was comforting Chu Fei, even telling such lies.
As for Chu Huaxiong and Liu Suhong, they both cried silently, thinking that Lin Ziming also learned of Chu Fei’s life soon, and they began to coax Chu Fei.
Chu Fei seemed to believe it, she showed a bright smile and said: “Okay! Ziming, I believe you!”
Lin Ziming smiled and nodded.

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