A Life Upside Down

Chapter: 1252

Meng Hao is dead.
Naturally, Lin Ziming would not show mercy to such rubbish, he killed Meng Hao’s life with one palm.
After rectifying the Chu family, Lin Ziming couldn’t wait to ask: “Grandpa, where is Feifei?”
Hearing Lin Ziming’s words, Chu Guodong fell silent immediately. Guilt and sorrow appeared on his face. The other Chu family members also lowered their heads, and the atmosphere suddenly became low.
Lin Ziming’s heart suddenly jumped, thinking of something, his face paled, and his tone was a little trembling, “Fei Fei, has something happened already?”
After asking this sentence, Lin Ziming was completely blank, and he could not accept this fact at all!
He did so much to protect Chu Fei. If Chu Fei really had an accident, then he would never accept this fact, and he could not forgive himself!
Seeing Lin Ziming’s reaction, Chu Guodong said quickly: “There is no such thing, Feifei has nothing to do with her, but she… alas!”
Having said this, Chu Guodong couldn’t say anything anymore, his face full of sorrow.
Lin Ziming was a little confused. He couldn’t understand what Chu Guodong was saying now. What happened to Chu Fei?
“Grandpa, don’t let me down. Tell me quickly, Feifei has something to do with her!” Lin Ziming almost gritted his teeth and said this sentence.
Chu Guodong nodded and said, “Fei Fei, when she heard the news of your death that day, she fainted on the spot. When she fainted, she fainted for two days and two nights. At that time, we were all frightened. In the hospital, the doctor said that Feifei was in good health and was stronger than an athlete. However, Feifei was hit too much. In her subconscious, she could not accept this fact at all. She chose to lock herself up! If it takes a long time If she fails, her consciousness will be lost and she will become a vegetative person.”
When Lin Ziming heard this, his face was already pale, and he gritted his teeth tightly. He could fully imagine the scene that day!
He knows how deeply Chu Fei loves him, just like when he knew that Chu Fei was seriously ill, his heart was extremely painful. If he didn’t know that he could save Chu Fei by swallowing the heaven and earth spirit fruit, then he Now I have a mental breakdown.
Moreover, for Chu Fei, the reason why she fell was entirely to save her. Such guilt and torture were not something that Chu Fei could bear!
“Feifei…” Lin Ziming’s nose was sour, and he could feel it. He almost trembled and said, “Then Feifei has become a vegetable now.”
“No.” Chu Guodong shook his head and said: “Later on the third day, Feifei woke up on her own.”
Hearing this, the big rock that Lin Ziming was holding in his heart finally landed!
As long as there is nothing wrong with the Chu Fei, then everything is easy to say!
“That’s good, that’s good!” Lin Ziming said with a sigh of relief, “Grandpa, where is Feifei now, I’ll look for her right away!”
No one responded to his words, everyone’s face was very ugly, full of sadness and guilt.
Lin Ziming realized that something was wrong again, and he quickly said, “Did something happen again!”
Chu Guodong sighed and said, “Zi Ming, you’re back anyway. You don’t have to be anxious to see Feifei. Why don’t you go back to Ziqiong Media? Now Ziqiong Media is also facing great difficulties. crisis……”
“Grandpa!” Lin Ziming interrupted him roughly, and said very seriously: “You tell me what is going on with Feifei, this is what I care about most.”
Chu Guodong looked at Lin Ziming’s serious look. He didn’t even dare to face Lin Ziming. He lowered his head and said with guilt and distress: “On the third day, Feifei woke up, but she was selective She has lost her memory, she has forgotten everything about you…”

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