A Life Upside Down

Chapter: 1276

When Ma Kaiyu heard this message, he shuddered all over, and the fear of Lin Ziming reappeared. He called Zhong Tao without thinking about it and reported the incident.
Zhong Tao summoned everyone immediately, and he also flew from Xuanyuan No.2, followed by Luo Hongyang, as well as Fang Xingping and Lu Qisi in Xuanyuan No.1, their four masters of the fourth stage of the Innate Realm. Gathering together, even if Lin Ziming had the ability to shake the sky, he would not be able to uncover the Five Finger Mountain of their four masters!
At this time, Lin Ziming was already a sinner of the country. They directly beat Lin Ziming, abolished the martial arts, and handed it over to him, and let him judge Lin Ziming. At that time, Lin Ziming’s fate would be worse than death. !
It can be said that the whole province g is surging at this time, and the more this time, the quieter it becomes, and the quietness has reached an abnormal level.
Anyone with a bit of strength and status is now lurking, and they dare not make any moves. Everyone is waiting. It is Lin Ziming’s strong return tonight, and his revenge is successful, but he is still swallowed by the pack of wolves.
“Chairman, do you think they really dare to come tonight?” Wang Shougui asked softly, he was still a little nervous, after all, this was against the entire Huacheng on his own! There are even some of them are big bosses in other cities, and each one is taken out alone, and they can all be powerful.
Han Jinlong’s face was also nervous and worried that could not be concealed.
In addition, there are other subordinates, and all of them are full of tension, as if they are facing an enemy.
Tonight is too quiet, so quiet that it is frightening.
Lin Ziming was the only one in the audience who was the most calm. He drank tea leisurely, “They will come.”
“Really, should we call more people?” Wang Shougui asked cautiously.
Because he had already heard the message, now headed by Ma Kaiyu, he has already united all the other bigwigs into a force to resist Lin Ziming!
Lin Ziming laughed and said, “Why, don’t you believe me?”
Wang Shougui shook his head quickly and said: “There is no such thing, Lin Dong, I didn’t mean that, it’s just…”
Lin Ziming waved his hand, interrupted him, and said with a smile: “Just put a hundred hearts on this. With me, no matter how many people come, they won’t be able to make waves.”
Lin Ziming said this very calmly, lightly speaking, as if he was just talking about a very common thing, but it was a golden rule again, and the law was just a statement of a fact, which made everyone present listen to it. , All invisibly relaxed a lot.
After a while, suddenly from outside, two people rushed in hastily. Their faces were pale and their expressions were scared. They seemed to have seen something terrifying, and even their legs were swaying, “Lin Dong, no, no, no. ,Oh no……”
They looked like they had seen a ghost. It made the atmosphere of the house finally relaxed, and suddenly became dignified. Han Jinlong frowned and scolded: “What are you panicking? The sky is falling, there is Lin Dong is holding it up, he has nothing to do with it!”
Wang Shougui also frowned and said, “Whatever you have, just say it!”
The two of them swallowed hard, and then said: “Outside, many people came outside, all big men, and they brought a lot of bodyguards and thugs…”
“What?!” Wang Shougui and Han Jinlong both widened their eyes, and their mood became tense again.
Looking at Lin Ziming subconsciously, here, Lin Ziming is their absolute backbone.
Lin Ziming still drank the tea very plainly, and said, “There are quite a few people here.”

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