A Life Upside Down

Chapter: 2216

This sudden message confuses them, and they will not be able to react much for a while.
“Diridal, dumb warrior, is he really an intruder?”
As Dilidal’s brother Uganda, he has been getting along well with Lin Ziming during this period of time, treating Lin Ziming as an idol, but now he is a little unacceptable to the fact that Lin Ziming is an intruder.
Diridal nodded hardly: “He is an intruder, but he is different from other intruders…”
However, she was still not finished speaking, and was interrupted by Uganda rudely, “Dilida! How can you do this! Our Abba and Grandma were brutally killed by the invaders! Our entire tribe was brutally killed. The abominable invaders have killed them. The invaders are the enemies of our tribe. How can you mix with the invaders and even bring the invaders back to the tribe!!”
Uganda’s eyes flushed all of a sudden, pointed at Diridal, condemning infinitely.
Not only him, but many people present are also all kinds of unpleasant condemnations of Dilidal, and they no longer respect and admire Lin Ziming as before, but become hatred and anger. Many people have also picked up. The weapon started a defensive action.
Lin Ziming sighed when he saw this situation. Sure enough, this tribe had too much prejudice against the invaders.
In fact, during this period of time, he probably learned that the group of people who entered the secret realm in front of them had indeed committed a lot of atrocities against the natives of this world. Many aborigines who have led to this world hate the invaders.
Perhaps in the eyes of many people, Lin Ziming’s behavior is stupid, but if he wants him to deceive the people in the tribe, he is a bit unable to do it.
He shook his head and said, “I’m sorry, I did come from another world, but this is my first visit to your world. I entered your world for the purpose of looking for what you call a miracle. But this is I entered your world for the first time, and I have never done anything to harm your kind.”
“Get out!”
As soon as he finished speaking, someone immediately yelled at him angrily, it was another elderly uncle.
This uncle was originally a very pure person with a physical disability and was interrupted by a leg. He had a good relationship with Lin Ziming before, but now, his eyes are red, and his eyes are full of hatred and hatred when looking at Lin Ziming. Disgust, the expression is a bit squalid.
After him, more and more voices roared at him, making him get out.
Lin Ziming shook his head, knowing that they would not let go of their prejudice, so he said sorry, then turned and left.
When Dilidal saw this scene, she was very anxious and stomped her feet, trying to catch up, but soon she was caught by Uganda, “Dilidal! Stop for me! That killed us. The enemy of Abba and Ama, you are still mingling with him. Are you so good against Abba and Ama and against other tribesmen in the tribe who have been harmed by the invaders?!”
Others also immediately condemned: “Dilidal, you traitor, you brought the invader back, and let us treat him as a warrior and a benefactor. Your behavior is too hateful! You are not worthy of being a member of our tribe. !”
“Get out of Dilidal!”
“It’s horrible!!”
Hearing these words, Dilidal’s face was innocent, and the whole person was in a very angry and disappointed state. Looking at these people, she only felt that these people were too stupid and too narrow!

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