A Life Upside Down

Chapter: 2372

The people present were not stupid. After hearing Lin Ziming’s words, he immediately understood, and his face also showed a sudden realization.
Lin Ziming’s statement really has some truth.
Because of the current situation, the seeds of enchantment in the martial world have been planted, and they can’t stop it if they want to control it.
Moreover, now is the era of big information, and information is spreading too fast. Within a second, it can spread to every corner of the world, which is different from the ancient times when information was blocked.
Therefore, if they want to completely contain this situation, it is almost impossible, and it may cause greater resistance from the people!
After they wanted to understand this, they admired Lin Ziming even more, and those high-level people who were dissatisfied with Lin Ziming now also feel guilty and misunderstood Lin Ziming.
However, someone soon discovered another key point, “Instructor Lin, what you said is reasonable and constructive, but have you ever thought about a problem? That is, if we let it go. Development, then the balance will be shifted to the side of the martial art world, and the situation will exceed what we can bear. If we want to control it, we can’t stop it. What should I do?”
Yes, what this high-level person said is also a question worth pondering.
Although it is said that blocking is not as good as sparse, if development is left unchecked, the situation will get worse and worse, and when the time comes, to a certain extent, when the state power cannot be restrained, what should be done? Can all mankind be allowed to raise Gu, and continue to wear and tear, to death?
However, Lin Ziming seemed to have thought about this problem a long time ago. His expression didn’t change in any way, and instead he laughed and said, “This will not happen.”
After hearing his words, even Huangpudao was a little surprised, and asked: “Oh? How do you say this, Ziming, tell me.”
“Because, in fact, by doing this, we can numb the world of sects, and on the other hand, it can also allow ordinary people who have too much yearning for practice to gradually see the suffering of the whole people in martial arts, when the time comes, these Ordinary people will become our strength. In addition, we can also greatly reduce the pressure of the martial world to attack our ordinary people!”
When everyone heard him say this, they became even more puzzled. Why would the martial world’s attack on national power be slowed down?
Logically speaking, isn’t this attacking more powerful?
However, Lin Ziming obviously wants to understand the key. He said lightly: “It is a simple truth. If we are against the martial world now and let the people have two directions, then the martial world Cruelty will inevitably continue to assassinate these rebellious people. Moreover, ordinary people who yearn for spiritual practice will also become the sickle of the sect world and reap the same kind together. If this happens, then it is really by the sect world. The gains have succeeded, so we absolutely can’t do this! Since the martial art world has already made a move, and it is still a scheming, then we simply plan to use it.”
After a pause, his eyes flashed, and he said: “Wait, most ordinary people are dedicated to martial arts. This way, massacres can be reduced, and at the same time, we can smoothly turn the battlefield between the strong. At that time, it will be the strong of the martial world, fighting against the strong of the country!”
“But once we defeat the strong in the martial world, then the pressure on the ordinary people will naturally be resolved.” Lin Ziming said with a smile.
Shangguan Wei’an immediately patted his thigh vigorously, and said excitedly: “Wonderful! Hahaha, instructor Lin is worthy of instructor Lin. Not only martial arts, but also intelligence is countless times higher than ordinary people. Understand the key.”
After the others reacted, smiles appeared on their faces.

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