A Life Upside Down

Chapter: 285

“There is nothing wrong, they were all beaten by me, you are safe.” Lin Ziming stroked Chu Fei’s face, said very softly, and then gently removed Chu Fei’s tape.
As soon as she opened it, Chu Fei let out a cry and burst into tears, and threw herself on Lin Ziming, crying like a child.
Lin Ziming hugged her, gently patted her back, and constantly comforted Chu Fei. He still saw Chu Fei cry like this for the first time.
“I’m so scared, I’m so scared…uuuu…” Chu Fei cried. After the ropes in her hands were untied, she couldn’t wait to hug Lin Ziming. , Tightly, Lin Ziming couldn’t breathe, for fear that Lin Ziming would disappear in front of her, like a drowning man, firmly grasping the last straw.
Chu Fei had never been so scared, even if it was the last time, about Zhang Yaodong, she had never been so scared and panicked as she is now. This time she had already made plans, once she was really defiled by Huang Wenhua, then she would not live.
So she not only faced the possibility of being defiled, but also the fear of death! The reluctance to the world, the guilt to the parents, the apology to Lin Ziming, and the regret to the chairman Zi Qiong…
It was when she needed help the most, Chairman Shi Qiong came out to save her!
To be honest, at this moment, her heart was shaken as never before, and that kind of strong deep-rooted touch made her make a decision that even nine cows could not be brought back.
She wants to go all out, chasing after Chairman Michelle, and becoming the woman of Chairman Michelle, even if she is an enemy of the whole world, she will not hesitate.
In her bones, she is a traditional woman, and everything must be done in accordance with rules and ethics. Therefore, she has been married to Lin Ziming for four years. Even if she no longer loves Lin Ziming, she has never betrayed Lin Ziming.
But now, after experiencing these things, her thoughts have undergone unprecedented and earth-shaking changes!
She wants to be with Chairman Zi Qiong and pursue true love, even if people all over the world condemn her and despise her, she will not hesitate.
Even if Chairman Zi Qiong is a friend of Lin Ziming, even if she is spurned by the world, even if she is sorry for Lin Ziming, so what?
Lin Ziming didn’t know that such an earth-shaking change had taken place in Chu Fei’s heart at this moment. He gently comforted Chu Fei and continued to say in a hoarse voice: “Okay, don’t be afraid, it’s safe and safe.”
Chu Fei raised her head, she looked up at Chairman Zi Qiong, staring into the star-like deep and charming eyes, “Chairman, thank you! I really, thank you very much.”
Lin Ziming smiled and said, “You are welcome, this is what I should do.”
Chu Fei understood the overtones of the chairman, but it was because of Lin Ziming. If she changed before, she would be disappointed and sad, but now that she has made that decision, she no longer has such thoughts.
When Lin Ziming saw her lowering her head, he thought Chu Fei was sad, thinking of something, and immediately said nervously: “Fei Fei, are you already fucking Huang Wenhua?!”
Lin Ziming couldn’t help thinking in this direction. If this was the case, then he would be ashamed for a lifetime!
Judging from the situation of Chu Fei just now, she was tied up by Wu Hua Da, and her clothes seemed a bit messy. In case Huang Wenhua had already taken advantage of Chu Fei… Damn! He wants Huang Wenhua to frustrate his bones!
The shouting of Feifei made Chu Fei’s whole person crumbling. This is the first time Chairman Zi Qiong called her like this. Does it mean that Chairman Zi Qiong still has that meaning for her?
“No, no, don’t worry, I’m still innocent, Huang Wenhua still has no time to touch me.” Chu Fei hurriedly explained, for fear of being misunderstood by Chairman Zi Qiong.
When Lin Ziming heard that, he was obviously relieved that he was not tainted by Huang Wenhua, so it was okay, indicating that he was still timely enough.
Chu Fei heard Lin Ziming’s relieved voice, and her heart was as sweet as honey.
This shows that Chairman Zi Qiong cares about her, not just because of Lin Ziming!
Knowing this, she was really happy in her heart, and the decadence and loss of a few days ago was swept away. Hmph, she knew that she couldn’t feel wrong! The previous two times, she still felt that she had contact with Chairman Zi Qiong. In fact, Chairman Zi Qiong had an affection for her in that respect!
But Lin Ziming’s words were nothing but a lie to her.
In other words, Chairman Zi Qiong cheated Lin Ziming. After all, she is still Lin Ziming’s wife.
“Chairman, can I see how you look like?” Suddenly, Chu Fei said something that shocked Lin Ziming!

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