A Life Upside Down

Chapter: 843

The Chinese people behind Lin Ziming felt Connor’s power, and their faces paled with fright. They rushed back, and their hearts tightened with fear.
And Lin Ziming faced Connor’s punch as if people were frightened. He stood motionless and didn’t know to dodge.
The corner of Connor’s mouth rose up, revealing a sneer. This punch used 90% of his strength and more than two thousand pounds of power. He had absolute confidence that he could break Lin Ziming’s neck with one punch!
Smith and others were also extremely excited, thinking that Lin Ziming was about to be ko.
With a bang.
Actually hit.
Connor was stunned for a moment. He had competed with Lin Ziming in an octagonal cage last time, knowing that although his punch was fast, Lin Ziming should be able to avoid it. But now, Lin Ziming is actually not hiding? what’s going on?
When Liu Jie and others saw Lin Ziming being hit, or hitting his face, their hearts sank and they felt hopeless.
But the next moment, there was a very strange scene, Lin Ziming actually didn’t get blown out by Connor’s punch, or stood there casually, without any painful expression on his face.
Even, there were no scars on his face.
At this moment, Lin Ziming spoke, “This is what you call a punch that killed me? It’s too weak. Give me a massage.”
“What? This is impossible!”
Connor’s eyes widened and he looked like a ghost. He knew the weight of the punch just now, and he couldn’t break the opponent’s neck! But in the end, the other party was unscathed?
On the contrary, he felt pain in his fist. The punch just now seemed to hit an iron plate.
As for Smith and others, their eyes were staring, and hallucinations appeared in the future!
The Chinese, including Liu Jie, were also dumbfounded, their brains blank, looking at Lin Ziming who was unscathed in front of him dumbfounded. How could this be possible? They all felt the power of Connor’s punch just now. Especially not long ago, they saw Connor hit more than 2,800 pounds in one punch!
Lin Ziming twisted his neck, looking at his appearance, it seemed that he was just bitten by a mosquito, nothing happened.
This scene is really weird and unscientific, and it has subverted everyone’s cognition.
Many people even begin to suspect that Lin Ziming is not a person, but a ghost, a monster!
Lin Ziming hooked his fingers to Connor again, put his hands behind his back, and said with a smile, “Come again.”
Connor felt that he had been insulted like never before. The whole person was burned with anger. With a roar, he turned into a beast, rushed to Lin Ziming, and punched out a fierce combination of punches, like a cannonball, venting in the forest Ming body.
Everyone in the audience felt Connor’s anger and ferocity. Even an elephant would have to be beaten to death by Connor!
However, Lin Ziming still stood steadily there, with both hands on his back and without fighting back, he accepted Connor’s stormy attack, hitting him with punch after punch.
He appeared extremely laid back and relaxed, even blinking his brow.
This scene looked extremely strange and terrifying. Kang Na was obviously two times older than Lin Ziming, but he couldn’t touch Lin Ziming. It seemed that he was really massaging Lin Ziming.
He fought for more than three minutes, more than 500 punches in total, but Lin Ziming was still standing there, without any injuries on his body.
Finally he was also tired and panting.
Lin Ziming smiled and said, “Why, I can’t move? Then it’s my turn.”
Suddenly, Connor felt a huge crisis, and just wanted to avoid it, but it was too late…
Lin Ziming punched it seemingly casually, and it hit Connor’s strong chest. Suddenly, there was a dull and extremely dull sound. Accompanied by the sound of broken bones, Connor’s bear-like body flew out heavily. He slammed into the force measuring machine behind him and knocked over the force.
At this moment, the audience was silent, and everyone looked at Lin Ziming with extreme fear, and the needle could be heard.

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