A Life Upside Down

Chapter: 873

“Lin Ziming? Let’s just forget it. When it comes to fighting, Lin Ziming is indeed very good. G Province is the first, but he is more rich than the rich. Ten Lin Ziming is not as good as Beitianhui.”
“That’s true……”
For a time, various voices rang out in the audience. More than half of the people gave up the idea of ​​competing for the title of charity ambassador after seeing Zhou Zhe’s move.
After all, they don’t have any money in the north.
This is no better than an auction. After the money is spent, you can still shoot something back. This is for charity, and the money is spent. Apart from gaining a good reputation, there is nothing substantial.
Hearing the shock around him, Zhou Zhe showed a proud expression on his face. At this moment, he is the protagonist, and he is bound to win the charity ambassador tonight.
Soon, he turned his gaze on Lin Ziming, full of disdain.
He admitted that Lin Ziming is indeed a genius, not only has a high level of cultivation, but also has high commercial talent. But what about it, the North Sky Club has been operating in the south for so long, and the wealth it has accumulated is not comparable to that of a small boss like Lin Ziming.
Lin Ziming naturally saw his ridicule, he just smiled faintly, without paying attention at all, raised his hand faintly, and shouted an amount, “I donate 30 million.”
When Zhou Zhe heard this, he laughed disdainfully, and said to Lin Ziming, “I said Lin Ziming, as the chairman of the three companies, you actually donated 30 million yuan? You are embarrassed to say it.”
When the people around heard him say this, they were indeed a little surprised at Lin Ziming. Isn’t Lin Ziming competing for the status of charity ambassador tonight?
Even if there is no contention, Zhou Zhe is so disrespectful, wouldn’t he Lin Ziming express it?
Could it be that Lin Ziming is a foreigner and a middleman, and is beginning to fear the Beitian meeting? Or is it that the battle between Lin Ziming and Wu Meizi was irreversibly severely injured?
Suddenly, many people saw Lin Ziming’s reaction, and they all began to show up.
Lin Ziming didn’t bother to pay attention to this, he closed his eyes, and began to close his eyes to calm his mind.
Even Wang Shougui and Han Jinlong are a little bit confused about Lin Ziming. According to Lin Ziming’s fortune, they shouldn’t only spend 30 million yuan, although this is only the first charity project.
Soon, the second charity project came.
It was about caring for the elderly, and many people also started to raise their hands and tell the amount of donation.
Because of Zhou Zhe’s 200 million just now, when many people donated for the second time, the amount was much smaller.
The highest one is only a donation of 40 million. Seeing this situation, Zhou Zhe’s smile on the corner of his mouth has become more intense, thinking that tonight’s charity ambassador status must have been spent in his home.
So this time, he didn’t donate another 200 million, but 100 million, which was enough.
He looked at Lin Ziming again, and said jokingly: “Dong Lin, it’s your turn. I don’t know how much you donated? Isn’t it still 30 million?”
Suddenly, everyone’s eyes were focused on Lin Ziming. They were all curious, would Lin Ziming resist Zhou Zhe’s repeated provocations?
At this moment, Lin Ziming spoke, and he held up a finger.
After Zhou Zhe saw it, he burst into laughter, “Hahahaha, ten million? I said Lin Ziming, you are really picky!”
However, just after his words fell, Lin Ziming made up: “One billion.”
In an instant, Zhou Zhe’s smile stiffened on his face.

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