Bewedded, Not Beloved

Chapter: 120

Xiao Lingling humiliated me enough before letting me go. I almost trot all the way to press the elevator, Xiao Shi followed me.
“Although Xiao Lingling’s words are ugly, they are truthful.” Xiao Shi said: “The words are rough but not rough.”
“Are you going to tell me to see people with your eyes in the future?”
“Everyone is the same. In the face of temptation, they can’t resist it. If it were you, could you pack the ticket and not be tempted?”
It turns out that humanity is so vulnerable in their eyes?
I took a taxi to the robot stadium, which is a newly built science and technology city by Xi’s.
I saw Qiao Yi on the stage in the center of the Science and Technology City.
She was standing on the stage with scissors in her hand, and in front of her, the lady of manners stood on both sides pulling the ribbon for cutting the ribbon.
Xi Qingchuan was standing next to her. I used to think that they were against each other by standing together, but now they seem to be okay.
Qiao Yi saw me and waved to me happily: “Xiao Sheng, Xiao Sheng, here!”
The crowd was crowded, and I couldn’t squeeze, so Baiyu came and took me over.
He looked at me with pity and sympathy: “Miss Xiao, you don’t need to use it.”
I smiled weakly at him: “It’s okay.”
He found me the best position off the stage, and as soon as he looked up, he could see Qiao Yi and Xi Qingchuan on the stage.
Xi Qingchuan was looking at me, his eyes were meaningful.
Well, I’m a fool, I shouldn’t have come at all.
“Can we start now?” Xi Qingchuan turned to ask Qiao Yi.
“Oh, my best friend is here, of course.” There are microphones in front of them, so I can hear them clearly.
When she said her best friend, I found that Bai Yu looked at me again and shook my hand gently.
I am very grateful to him for this light grip, which made me seem to have some strength.
Today is just the opening ceremony, but I feel a bit as tragic as watching the wedding ceremony of Qiao Yi and Xi Qingchuan.
With the scissors in his hand, Qiao Yi looked back at the neon flashing on the door of the robot stadium behind him: “The robot Qiao Yi.”
She rubbed her nose and said, “Thank Xi Dong for naming this robot stadium after me. I can feel his love. I have lived so much since I was a child. Thank you, Xi Qingchuan.” She turned to Xi Qingchuan. A look of emotion.
I really didn’t expect that Qiao Xie would suddenly come to confess this sensationalism. She should have shown it to me on purpose.
Xi Qingchuan also looked at her and glanced at me quickly by the way.
I feel dizzy and can’t sit still, and want to slip away now.
Qiao Yi still said on the stage: “Thank you, Xi Qingchuan, you let me know that there are still people in this world who love me so much.”
She burst into tears suddenly, and I stared at her in amazement.
Qiao Yi was moved, didn’t she know that Xi Qingchuan was playing tricks on her?
Xi Qingchuan smiled slightly: “Don’t cry, cut the ribbon after you finish speaking, don’t miss auspicious time.”
“Huh.” Qiao Yi wiped his eyes with the back of his hand: “Soon.”
She blocked half of her face with her hand and squeezed her eyes at me suddenly. I didn’t understand why she squeezed her eyes, but she quickly went on and said, “I also knew for the first time that there are still ,” She suddenly jumped up and slapped Xi Qingchuan quickly: “You scumbag!”
I was stunned, not only me, even Xi Qingchuan was stunned.
After Qiao Yi jumped up and gave him a slap in the face, he still wanted to do something, but was dragged away by the bodyguard who reacted.
She bounced like a grasshopper: “Fuck! Xi Qingchuan! My old lady has been tossing with you for a few days. I thought I was really rare of your broken things. I wanted to provoke the relationship between Xiao Sheng and me. , You scumbag, I am!”
I’m still chilling here, Bai Yu has jumped up from my side and rushed to the stage.
In a panic, I glanced at Xi Qingchuan’s expression.
Uh, his expression looked like he had a poop of shit.
I really want to laugh, it was the first time I saw his expression.
Isn’t he trying to prove to me that there is no real friendship in this world?
Qiao Yi and I are plastic flowers?
I stood up and immediately followed Qiao Yi. She was dragged into the corner by the bodyguard. Qiao Yi was going to have a big fight with them, so I hurried over and pulled away.
“Qiao Yi, run!” I haven’t seen anyone beat Xi Qingchuan. He will definitely not let it go if he has suffered a loss this time.
I took Joe’s hand and ran wildly, her long legs ran so fast, I couldn’t keep up with her.
She laughed as she ran, “I beat Xi Qingchuan, I beat him! The bodyguards reacted too fast, if I slow down, I can kick him!”
“Are you coming in a car?”
“Yes.” She took me to the parking lot, and I saw the purple car at a glance.
“Get in the car.” She tucked me into the car, and then jumped into the car and started.
When reversing, she slammed into the concrete pillar behind. I looked back and she smashed one of the rear lights of the car.
“Be careful.”
“Oh oh oh.” She responded, but turned and banged the rear light on the right side of the car.
I looked at her stunned, Qiao Yi’s driving skills have always been great, is this nervous today?
I looked back at the gate of the Science and Technology City: “They are not chasing you, so don’t be so nervous.”
“The car is not mine anyway.” She laughed loudly: “Wait for my old lady to drive this car into scrap and return it to him!”
It turned out that Qiao Yi did this deliberately.
“Naughty.” I felt so happy that I had to hold something on my mouth.
Qiao Yi drove the car out of the parking lot, drove with one hand, and raised the other hand above his head and cheered: “Oh, kill the scumbag, happy!”
On the way here just now, I only feel the sun is dazzling.
Now, the sunshine is still the sunshine, but I feel the special warmth.
Qiao Yi was driving in the car, and suddenly he pressed me and kissed me on the cheek: “My little Shengsheng, is it scared by me?”
“drive carefully.”
“Let’s go and celebrate!” She couldn’t sit still happily, her buttocks writhing in the seat: “Let’s go find Brother Boat to skewer, slap him in the dark!”
When she said that, I really wanted to make skewers, and I immediately responded to her call: “Okay, make skewers!”
When we were in college, we often went to a skewers shop. It should be the one with the worst environment but the best taste we have ever eaten.
Because the taste is too prominent, the boss insists not to decorate, because there is no need for luxurious decoration to attract customers.
Qiao Yi seemed to be hungry for many days, ordered a lot, and ordered two cases of beer: “Let’s step on the box to drink today.”
“How can anyone drink at noon.”
“Happy today, I know that the whole Xiao family is watching jokes behind their backs, thinking that we turn our eyes and cut, we are more in love than Jin Jian, how could a man be able to separate.” Qiao Yi hugged my neck tightly, almost He strangled me: “Also, Xiao Sheng, I called a lot of media today. Just now I slapped Xi Qingchuan and waited until people all over the world could see it!”

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