Bewedded, Not Beloved

Chapter: 20

When I finally recovered, I found Qin Guan was looking at me.
Although his eyes were not the way a simple man looks at a woman, his concentration and seriousness still made me blush.
I hurriedly shifted my gaze, when my phone rang, I took it out of my bag and it was Xiao Shi.
She never called me, and I even suspect that she has my phone number.
I connected, Xiao Shi’s voice suddenly became calmer than before, her voice choked slightly, she was crying?
“Tianyang Hospital emergency room, come on.”
“What?” I said inexplicably, “What’s wrong, I’m not in the city now.”
“Dad had a car accident.” She said briefly and hung up the phone.
I am always stuck for a while when encountering sudden emergencies, and I haven’t reacted to it for a long time.
Fortunately, the volume of my mobile phone call was very loud, Qiao Yi hurriedly pulled me up from the chair when he heard it: “What are you doing? Uncle has a car accident, go to the hospital soon!”
I came back to my senses now, my hands and feet were numb, and there was no way to get up from the chair.
There was a mess in my mind, only Qiao Yi’s voice was heard: “Qin Guan, let’s go first…something happened…we have to rush to the hospital…”
It wasn’t until I got in the car and Qiao Yi buckled my seat belt that my mind was freed from the chaos.
I looked back at the beautiful courtyard, Qin Guan stood at the door and whispered, “Drive carefully.”
The wall of rose flowers behind him is still so beautiful, but the small pink bones are like red blood inside cracked skin.
Qiao Yi was comforting me along the way: “Don’t worry, uncle must be in trouble, Huacheng is stuck in traffic, even if there is a car accident, it won’t be a big car accident, it must be a bump between the two cars.”
I know it’s that simple, otherwise Xiao Shi’s voice won’t be trembling, and Dad must have had a serious car accident.
Qiao Yi shook my hand as he drove: “Xiao Sheng, shitty, shitty, God wouldn’t be so unfair to you, if you took away your mother, now you will take away your father? Impossible? Yes, you can rest assured.”
Her comfort was pale, but her hands were warm, and I held Qiao Yi’s in both hands and couldn’t stop shaking.
When I finally arrived at the hospital, Qiao Yi helped me staggering to the emergency room, and a crowd of people gathered at the door.
The eldest sister’s family, stepmother, and Xiao Shi.
There was another person beside Xiao Shi, that was Xi Qingchuan. He was holding Xiao Shi’s elbow, and the two stood like lovers.
I was unintentional and unreasonable whether they were close, I rushed over and asked: “How is Dad?”
The stepmother’s cold eyes flashed across my face, and the eldest sister rolled her eyes, only Xiao Shi came over and said to me, “Dad is still in the rescue, bleeding a lot of blood.”
“Is it serious?” I could hardly hear my voice.
“Very serious.” Xiao Shi nodded.
My body weakened, Qiao Yi supported me: “Sit there and wait.”
At this time, the door of the emergency room opened and a nurse came out. Everyone rushed forward. I was stopped at the back. I don’t know who hit me. I staggered and almost fell. Someone helped me. Stand firm.
I heard the nurse say: “Mr. Xiao lost too much blood. Today, there were several patients in a car accident. There was not enough blood in the blood bank. Their relatives first went for a blood test and then gave the patient a blood transfusion.”
I heard the voice of my elder sister first: “What should I do in my menstrual period these few days? Mom?”
I immediately jumped up after standing in the crowd: “Where to go for a blood test?”
“Laboratory department on the second floor.”
I ran to the second floor quickly, and Xiao Shi came after a while, and sat next to me to draw blood. The eldest sister stood at the door: “Oh, I am fainted with blood. I can’t do it when I see blood.”
The stepmother coldly mocked her: “I don’t think you’re dizzy and bloody during your menstrual period. When you asked your dad for money, you didn’t feel soft. Now let you draw a little blood out of it, you’re still sloppy.”
“Mom, they said that I am in my menstrual period.”
I drew a tube of blood for a blood test, then sat on the side and waited, and Qiao Yi helped me with a cotton ball and hugged my shoulder.
“Is it cold? I heard that people are afraid of the cold after the blood is drawn. Do you want to undress for you?” Qiao Yi undressed with one hand, I held her hand and shook his head: “Exaggerated, I just smoked. A tube of blood.”
“Look at your lips, you don’t have any bloody color, don’t worry so much, uncle will definitely be lucky.”
“Yeah.” I nodded and leaned weakly on Qiao Yi.
Xi Qingchuan was standing not far from me and was calling with his back to me.
Dad is here because of an accident. I know it’s not because of me, but because of Xiao Shi.
But it doesn’t matter, I don’t care anyway.
Soon the test results came out. The nurse took the list and read: “Xiao Shi can be transfused with three hundred CCs. What’s wrong with the body recently?”
Xiao Shi shook his head, and I hurried forward: “Where is mine?”
“Your blood type does not match the wounded person’s blood type. No blood transfusion is allowed. Anything else?” The nurse craned her neck to look at the door: “That person.” She pointed to the eldest sister: “You are also the injured person’s daughter. Come and test one.”
“I can’t do it.” The eldest sister shrank back: “I have just mentioned my menstrual period these days.”
“Check mine.” Xi Qingchuan finished the phone call, took off his coat and threw it to his secretary.
I stepped back, a little dazed.
I looked at Qiao Yi: “Why can’t you donate blood to Dad?”
“Because your blood types don’t match, it’s normal.”
“Is it normal?”
“Of course, the blood types of parents and children are sometimes different.”
The stepmother on the side suddenly interrupted: “Xiao Sheng, what blood type are you?”
I told her no matter how much I thought about it: “I have blood type A.”
“where is your mom?”
“Blood type O.”
The stepmother’s face changed drastically and became very strange. After she asked, I also reacted.
Qiao Yi’s reaction was much greater than that of me, and he immediately stood up: “Aunt Xiao, what do you mean by asking in such a detailed manner? What’s so strange about the difference in blood types between parents and children?”
“It’s not surprising, but as far as I know, your father’s blood type is type B. If your mother is type O, how did you give birth to a child with type A blood?”
“Auntie, I would like to trouble you to figure it out before you talk. This kind of thing is no joke.”
My mind was confused, I stretched out my hand and grabbed Joe’s arm, and shook my head to her: “Stop talking, sit down first.”
At this moment, my dad is still waiting for the blood transfusion in the emergency room, so I don’t have the intention of talking to my stepmother.
Regarding the question of my life experience, they have been entangled since the first day I was taken home by my dad.
At this moment, a nurse rushed into the corridor: “Mr. Xiao’s house, why are all of them here? Mr. Xiao’s oxygen protection suddenly fell below 70. The situation is very critical. You should go there!”
As soon as I looked up, I happened to see Xi Qingchuan’s red blood slowly flowing into the blood bag, and my heart flustered.

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