Bewedded, Not Beloved

Chapter: 429

The two of us confronted each other like this.
He wouldn’t let me go and there was no way to throw him out.
I saw myself in his pupils, his back was straight and stupid.
I feel that I am so special that I can be alone.
But I knew I was still the woman who couldn’t handle anything in Xi Qingchuan’s eyes.
Being alone in the same space with him like this made me uncomfortable. I tried to pull the door again, but this time he grabbed my wrist and directly dragged me into his arms.
I didn’t expect Xi Qingchuan to hug me suddenly, I thought he was completely impatient with me.
He hugged me very hard, but I couldn’t breathe when he hugged me.
His breath spit heavily in my ears, and he said, “If it’s because I was too insecure to give you a sense of security before, if you think I’m with you because of a child, then I can tell you very clearly now. , Xiao Sheng, I want you to stay by my side, not because of everything else, just because of you, because of you…”
He speaks quickly, his voice is hurried, and I can hear panic in his voice.
What made the mighty Xi Qingchuan start to be frightened?
The trembling in his tone made me soften my stiff back.
I was imprisoned in his arms, he still hugged me so tightly and kept telling me in my ears.
“Xiao Sheng, I know that my previous practice confuses you, makes you confused, and makes you afraid of the future. Xiao Sheng, I am trying to hone you, and I’m assuring you that I will never use that method. Is it OK, will you come back, OK? Are you by my side?”
The series of question marks from Xi Qingchuan made my breath stagnate, and made my heart hurt and hurt.
When have I heard Xi Qingchuan talk to me in this almost pleading tone?
If it was before, I would be very pleased to discover that maybe Xi Qingchuan is in love with me.
But today, this discovery disturbs me.
We are just like the old-fashioned eight o’clock misery drama, we are obviously in love but we can’t be together because of our life experience, and we feel funny when we are miserable.
Now, no matter what kind of confession Xi Qingchuan said, I can’t accept it. How can I accept it?
I am his sister…
Suddenly, I seem to understand the Babu of Tianlong. Every sister of Duan Yu said to him helplessly and sadly: “You are my brother, I am your sister…”
It’s a disgusting plot, but it’s true.
The reality is so disgusting.
Xi Qingchuan’s lips pressed against my ears and it was very hot, like a soldering iron, and I immediately became energetic.
What am I doing? With the current relationship between the two of us, can such a move be possible?
I struggled desperately in his arms, trying to get rid of him.
“Xi Qingchuan, you have always been so self-righteous, do you think you must take the initiative at the end of a relationship?
No, I don’t care what you are to me, now I tell you, I suddenly lost my trust in you.
Isn’t it enough for me to beat the child to show my heart? Don’t you understand?
It’s because I don’t want to have anything to do with you, so I took the child away, you can go…”
I’m not very good at speaking cruel words, and I’m so extreme. I don’t know if I can hurt Xi Qingchuan, but I hurt myself first.
Xi Qingchuan is looking at me seriously. He is studying me hard, studying whether the things I just said are true or false.
He shook his head: “Xiao Shi, you are not such a person, this kind of shame is just disguised by you.”
“Don’t pretend that you know me well!” I was driven mad by Xi Qingchuan. I started to lose control of myself. I yelled at him hysterically, “I hate your insight into everything! What do you know about me? ? I don’t even know myself enough, I don’t even think that I will become like this today. Why do you say that you know me so much?
Xi Qingchuan, I admit that I have a temporary fascination with you, but that was also temporary and has now completely disappeared.
I don’t care what your feelings for me are? I don’t care, so I trouble you not to pretend to be a lover in front of me. I don’t need your help. ”
My j words can definitely irritate the arrogant Xi Qingchuan. When was he so ruthlessly rejected by a woman?
I may be the first or the last.
I found out that Xi Qingchuan’s demeanor is really better than before. He actually didn’t come over to strangle me, but just looked at me quietly.
“Xiao Sheng, if you force me to say that sentence, I can tell you now.”
I don’t know what he is going to say, but I am terrified.
“I don’t want to listen.” I told him immediately.
“Now if you don’t want to listen, I have to tell you too.”
He approached me step by step, and seemed to be fighting against himself every step he took.
He walked towards me, so I had to go back.
There was a glass fish tank behind me. I didn’t even see it. He suddenly stepped forward and took my arm, so I didn’t fall on the glass fish tank.
He held my shoulders tightly with both hands: “Xiao Sheng, I only found out today that I don’t know women so much. I don’t know what’s going on in your head, and I don’t know what happened to you. What’s the matter?
But anyway, I want to tell you Xiaosheng, does my attitude towards Xiaoshi make you scared?
You and Xiao Shi are different. At that time, I married her just to get married. I didn’t love her. At that time, I didn’t have the taste of loving someone. ”
I don’t want to listen to the following words. If one day Xi Qingchuan learned that the only time he confessed to others, it was to his own sister, how ironic would it be?
“No…” I struggled hard: “I don’t want to listen, Xi Qingchuan, you are still so arrogant, you still don’t understand that some things in the world are not based on your wishes!
If you love me, I have to be by your side?
That’s not the case. Have you ever asked me if I want to be with you?
I do not want! Xi Qingchuan! I do not want! ”
I yelled, my voice echoed in the huge space: “I hate you, I hate you, I hate what you did to me before, I hate your self-righteousness, I hate you for being blind, I hate you I hate you for playing sexual tricks on me and wanting to get caught up! I hate every look you look at me!”
I yelled countless people I hate him, and my throat hurts.

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