Billionaire God of War

Chapter: 2325

People like greedy wolves even have a greedy word in their names. How can they not be greedy?
Not to mention, Jiang Ning has seen too much of the brutality and cold-bloodedness of the wolf during the period of contact.
Now that he has the opportunity, his strength must be advancing by leaps and bounds, then how could his ambition not expand with it?
But at this moment, it’s not the time to manage these.
Jiang Ning asked Fang Qiu and the others to go back and adjust their state. The next battle might not be far away.
And he immediately returned to the East China Sea with Brother Dog and others.
Lin Family Villa.
In recent days, there has been a lot of laughter and laughter, because the old naughty boy is getting aging and now lying in bed, he can no longer move.
Jiang Yao stayed by the old naughty boy every day, telling him stories, talking and chatting with him, and refused to go out to play.
Others can’t help it.
in the room.
Jiang Yao was holding a storybook in her hand, telling the story seriously.
“That duck thought he was a swan, so he wanted to fly, and thought he would become very beautiful. No matter how others tell him, he is just a duck, he doesn’t believe it,”
Jiang Yao looked up and looked at the old naughty boy. “Master, do you believe it?”
“Who is that duck?” The old naughty boy smiled, “I am obsessed with Eryi’s mind? The voice is a little soft, “If it is the baby Jiang Yao, then it is a swan. Yes, don’t care who the others are .” His eyes became softer and softer, knowing that he was almost at the end of his life and that he would leave sooner or later. Even if he was reluctant to bear it, he couldn’t change this result after all.
The old naughty boy looked at Jiang Yao: “Yaoyao, Master will be gone in the future, you have to take care of yourself and listen to what your parents say, okay?”
Jiang Yao shook her head: “Master can’t be there.”
“I want to play with Master. If Master is gone, Yaoyao will be very sad.”
She took the old naughty boy’s hand, her eyes were red, and her voice burst into tears.
“Master, do you have another apprentice and don’t want Yaoyao anymore?”
“Yaoyao is obedient, is it okay to practice with the master, master don’t leave Yaoyao.” The old naughty boy was almost broken when he heard it.
Where does he have any other apprentices? In his life, his favorite apprentice is Jiang Yao, even if he can’t teach much now.
“No, there are no other apprentices, Master, you are the only one, your Uncle Agou, they are named.” The old naughty boy said with a smile, comforting Jiang Yao.
He knew that his time was running out, and even if he lied, it was enough to make Jiang Yao happy.
Jiang Yao couldn’t help but burst into tears. She was a good kid, but she knew everything. The more the old naughty boy said that she would not leave her, the more she understood that she seemed to be losing something.
The door of the room was gently pushed open.
Jiang Yao raised her head and glanced, it was Jiang Ning!
She immediately ran over and threw herself into Jiang Ning’s arms: “Dad!”
“Master doesn’t want me anymore!”
Listening to the grievance and uncomfortable feeling in Jiang Yao’s tone, Jiang Ning felt equally uncomfortable.
He gently touched Jiang Yao’s head, and said gently, “No, why would Master not want Yaoyao?”
“Yaoyao is so good, such a good apprentice, why is your master willing to not want you.”
Yaoyao still cried. , Her mouth slumped, tears kept streaming down, the old naughty boy couldn’t bear to watch. .
“Well, your master won’t want you, and he doesn’t dare not want you, you know,”
Jiang Ning said, “Daddy will come and tell him, okay? You go find your mother.”
“Hey, wait a minute, your master will go out to look for you.”
Jiang Ning sent Jiang Yao out and gave it to The others turned around and entered the room again and closed the door.
The old naughty boy leaned on the bed, sighed, and shook his head, looking helpless.
“I think I have seven kills throughout my life, never worry about life, fearless life and death, very free and easy, but now, I don’t even dare to die!”

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