Billionaire God of War

Chapter: 56

Are you kidding me, Su Mei is now beginning to help Jiang Ning say something nice?
This is only a month.
Jiang Ning, this bastard, is too good at buying people’s hearts.
“That was not what I meant.”
Su Mei shook her head, “I mean, Jiang Ning is too good.”
Lin Yu was really taken aback.
“We can’t delay people.”
Su Mei glanced at Lin Yuzhen, “When the time is right, let’s break the marriage contract with him, and let him be free.”
Jiang Ning and Lin Yuzhen had already obtained the certificate, but they had not actually contacted each other.
In the past, Su Mei felt that Jiang Ning was not worthy of her daughter, but now she felt that Jiang Ning was too good. She was so good that she didn’t even dare to think that her daughter could be worthy of him.
Judging from her life experience over the past few decades, Jiang Ning cannot be an ordinary person.
Although I don’t know why he came to his home, Jiang Ning has no malice towards them, and he has repeatedly protected and helped them. Su Mei is very grateful.
She even thought that Jiang Ning was not her son-in-law, and it would be nice to think of him as a godson.
But they can’t restrain Jiang Ning and bind his happiness because of this. They can’t do that.
Lin Yu was really shocked when he heard Su Mei’s words, and immediately couldn’t help feeling a little helpless: “Mom, I never thought about climbing Gaozhi.”
She is not such a person.
Su Mei still has bubbles in her hand, and gently squeezes Lin Yu’s pretty face: “Mom knows! Our family is not that kind of person. We work hard and we must pay back the favor we owe, you know?”
Lin Yu nodded seriously.

At that time.
Lin Xiao’s villa.
He changed another kind of agarwood, the fragrance became stronger.
On the wooden chair, Lin Xiao lay there, rolling the Buddha beads in his hands slowly, muttering words in his mouth.
Hearing the door open, someone walked in, and the familiar sound of footsteps made him know who it was all at once.
“How come you are free today.”
Lin Xiao opened his eyes with a smile on his face, stopped chanting, and turned to look at Lin Qiang who walked in, “Where is Lin Feng? This kid hasn’t seen his grandfather for many days.”
Lin Qiang’s face was a little ugly.
“His friends from several provinces and cities are here, and they have been entertaining them recently.”
Lin Qiang replied.
He walked to Lin Xiao, opened his mouth, hesitated to speak, and seemed a little hesitant.
“Why, have something to tell me?”
Lin Qiang has never been a mother-in-law, so how can he hesitate today.
“Something went wrong.”
Lin Qiang suddenly thumped and knelt down, “Dad, I’m sorry!”
This kneeling made Lin Xiao startled, and quickly stood up and helped Lin Qiang: “What’s the matter? What’s the matter!”
Lin Qiang actually knelt down to himself, this must be a big deal.
“The plant medical equipment project was really snatched by Lin Yu.”
Lin Qiang felt hot on his face. Speaking of this, he felt like Lin Yuzhen’s family slapped his face severely.
The pain made him uncomfortable, and it was even more embarrassing!
“What? What did you say!”
Lin Xiao’s beard was blowing up, thinking that he was old and his ears were not working well.
“Lin Yu really moved too much. All the contracts indicate that this project has nothing to do with my Lin family and has become an industry under her real name, Lin Yu.”
Lin Qiang was furious. “Our Lin family invested hundreds of millions of resources and spent a lot of manpower, material and financial resources, but in the end… it all helped her Lin Yu really do it!”
Lin Xiao’s body was trembling!
This project is the most important transformation project of his Lin family. With a huge investment, why did Lin Yu really take it away?
“A beast! A beast! Why did my Lin family raise such a white-eyed wolf!”
Lin Xiao cursed, “Where is Lin Wen? Does he know this!”
“The third child must know that, even, maybe there is his handwriting in it, we really underestimate him.”
Lin Xiao took a few deep breaths, feeling dizzy and almost fainting.
Lin Qiang hurriedly helped him.
“Dad! Dad! Calm down first, calm down first!”
Lin Xiao’s face flushed, her blood pressure rose instantly, and she couldn’t breathe out of breath…

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