Billionaire God of War

Chapter: 881

Looking at the group of guys who looked like evil spirits before him, Long Ling’er was really uncomfortable.
When Long Xiang was still alive, everyone could be suppressed, and he had the final say in the entire Long Family, even if those uncles had some ideas on weekdays, he did not dare to overstep them.
But now that Long Xiang has just passed away, these people can’t wait to jump out.
They were all afraid that the Long Family would collapse suddenly. By that time, they just wanted to get something, and the Long Family had nothing to give them.
“Ling’er, what do you mean by this? Does this Long Family have nothing to do with us?”
“We are all members of the Long Family. Your father is the owner of the Long Family. We listen to him, but now that he is no longer there, you should hand over the Long Family. Together, we will maintain the Long Family!”
“Don’t blame the uncle who said you, when is the time, do you still think about occupying the property alone? You are not the Long Family alone!”
Several uncles spoke one after another, and their words were full of anger.
It seemed that Long Linger was the one who did the wrong thing, not them.
They are to maintain the Long Family’s survival, they have to compete for the Long Family’s property, and they have to discuss how to divide the Long Family’s remaining property in front of Long Xiang’s body.
Long Ling’er couldn’t bear it, and scolded, “You dream!”
When Long Xiang died and Long Fei was crazy, they dared to be so unscrupulous.
Isn’t it to carve up the Long Family’s industry?
Once they were divided, the Long Family would really fall!
When the time comes, even if the gods come, they will not be able to return to heaven, not to mention, in this northern environment, once the Long Family has a flaw, there is almost no chance of a comeback.
“Long Linger!”
Uncle Long Family sternly shouted, “Now this Long Family, it’s not you who have the final say!”
“I am your elder, how to divide the Long Family’s property, I have the final say!”
He roared loudly, ignoring Long Linger’s protest.
Everyone knows that the Long Family is now dying.
Long Xiang suddenly died suddenly, obviously there was a problem, the Long family was dangerous!
Not to mention, the next generation of Patriarch Long Fei has also become mad. He keeps saying things that others don’t understand, which makes people nervous.
If you don’t hurry up and fight for your own interests, will you wait to see the Long Family completely destroyed, and then everyone will get nothing?
“I tell you, Long Family, you will never have the final say,”
Long Ling’er was not polite at all, “Don’t you want to take anything from Long’s house!”
“Then let’s walk and watch!”
The two sides were at war, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.
Long Ling’er was really sad, and the elders who looked kind and kind to him at ordinary times had shown their true colors to this day.
Under the benefit, what kind of family affection is there?
Several uncles have already sent people to collect information to see how much property the Long Family still has. They threatened to divide them directly in front of the corpses of Long Linger and Long Xiang.
It is to deliberately stimulate Long Ling’er so that Long Ling’er knows who is in charge of this Long Family!
“you guys……”
Looking at a few uncles, no one else, as if he didn’t exist, and discussing the ownership of each industry, Long Ling’er trembled with anger.
“You are too much!”
The uncle said coldly, “Long Ling’er, let me tell you, even this Patriarch’s position was given to your dad by me back then. I am taking back my own things, why is it too much?”
“The Long Family still has some things, I want to keep them, don’t you understand!”

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