Billionaire God of War

Chapter: 1777

The war is cruel and even more tragic.
No one likes war, but there is no choice to survive in this battlefield.
If you do not kill the enemy, you will be killed by the enemy. If you die, your family will have no protection, and they will die sooner or later…
It’s so cruel.
Therefore, when there is this homeland, there is an opportunity to better protect their family members, and all the Li family troops will have no return.
This time, the five mercenary regiments joined forces to completely destroy the Li Family Army, but they did not expect that the strength of the Li Family Army far exceeded their imagination.
It was the five mercenary groups that were destroyed!
Today, in the southwest area, there is only one mercenary group organization called Li Jiajun.
Li Genhong didn’t think about it. He took this opportunity to expand. The camp he planned was those areas. As long as these were done, it would be enough.
The materials plundered from the five mercenary regiments are almost piled up!
But no one wants to divide these materials. The expenses needed now are too great. To build a home, not only can the Li family and his son bear the responsibility, they are also responsible!
Li Genhong called a housekeeper to count and calculate the materials, and plan how to use them reasonably.
The ten team captains stood by and waited. No one spoke to disturb Li Genhong’s arrangement.
Once the materials were allocated, the housekeeper immediately asked them to store the materials.
“Young Master Li, those…”
The sixth captain endured it for a long time, and when he saw Li Genhong’s work done, he said, “Which eldest brothers are also members of our Li family?”
They didn’t know before, that the Li family still had these masters.
Thinking about it at this moment, they realized that they were able to kill the Ziyue Mercenary Corps before, and I am afraid that these same masters were secretly helping them.
“Not bad.”
Li Genhong did not conceal, “It’s not just them, we also have more powerful masters who secretly guard our homeland.”
“Besides them, is there anyone else?”
The sixth captain’s eyes widened.
Brother Gou and their strength, he has seen with his own eyes, the total of their ten captains, I am afraid they are not as strong as them!
Actually, there are even more powerful masters?
“Well, don’t underestimate the strength of the Li family army, and don’t overestimate the strength of other people. I assure you that no one can destroy our home.”
Li Genhong said seriously, “As long as we are united, brave and fearless, no one can defeat us!”
A group of people couldn’t help taking a breath.
The Li family is so powerful!
They all know that those who dare to come to the battlefield in the Middle East must be supported by a force behind them. Otherwise, they simply cannot survive on this battlefield for too long.
The Li family hasn’t been here for a long time, but now they are the only ones left in the southwest area. It can be said that few people can do it in a short period of time.
But the Li family did it!
Not only did it happen, but it also convinced them to follow.
“Young Master Li, can you please invite them…”
The first captain thought for a moment, and exchanged eyes with the other captains, “Please train us, we want to become stronger!”
Last time Jiang Ning said that as long as they want to become stronger, they have a chance.
Before, they didn’t believe it much, but now it seems that they really underestimated Jiang Ning’s strength!
“Then you have to ask yourself.”
Li Genhong said, “Only true warriors will respect them.”
When several captains heard this, they were immediately pleasantly surprised, and couldn’t wait to turn around and ran out to find Brother Gou and others.
They are the captain and control the mercenary group of 3,000 people, but in front of Brother Gou and others, ten people stand upright!

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