Don't Mess with this Son-in-Law

Chapter: 1297

“My dear, who is not long-eyed provoke you! Husband helps you teach him!” A man of about 35 or 6 years old came over with a beer belly and hugged him. The waist of a coquettish woman.
Seeing the middle-aged man coming, the coquettish woman immediately made a look like a little bird, nestled in his arms and said aggrievedly: “My husband is the dirty boy. I just touched me and didn’t apologize to me!”
The rest of my life, who had only walked two steps, felt a little speechless when I heard this. If I remembered it wrong, I would have said sorry to her when I first met her.
And I just touched it lightly. The woman just said that it was so unpleasant that I didn’t even care about her. Now it’s really interesting that the wicked file a complaint first.
“It’s just that your kid just hit my baby, and you don’t apologize. Why did your dirty clothes get mixed into this brand store? You even got the clothes to try on?” Lin Youcai dismissed Yu Sheng. To say.
For the rest of his life, he didn’t want to deal with these two people, but seeing them reluctant to give up, it would be impossible to get rid of their ideals.
With a helpless sigh, Yu Sheng turned his head and looked at the two of them and said: “I did bump into this lady just now, but I have already apologized. Besides, the dirty clothes I wear won’t affect my buying here. Clothes, right? Are you going to pay me this money if you take care of so many things?”
“You…” Lin Youcai was a little confused. This poor boy was dressed very poorly, and his mouth was quite talkable.
Yu Sheng’s voice was not small just now, and Lin Youcai was not very far away. He did hear Yu Sheng apologize, but the attitude of this kid just now didn’t respect him at all, and he couldn’t just leave it alone.
“Shopping guide, come here.”
A little beauty in her early twenties walked over in work clothes in the shop, and respectfully asked Lin Youcai: “Why this gentleman? Is there anything I can do for you?”
Lin Youcai brought a big gold watch to Yu Sheng and questioned the little beauty: “I think your store is a brand that came in to choose clothes. You see what kind of people are in this store, it’s dirty. People from ran over to try on the clothes too, and the clothes were dirty, how can I buy them?”
The beauty shopping guide looked at Yu Sheng, and looked at his clothes that he didn’t look like a wealthy man. In addition, Lin Youcai said that she was a little embarrassed and didn’t know what to do.
“Mr. customers want to try on clothes, we can’t help but try! How about I show you better clothes?” The beauty shopping guide said euphemistically.
Lin Youcai snorted coldly, very dissatisfied with the attitude of this beauty and the shopping guide. In his eyes, it is the best choice to drive out the rest of his life directly.
“I can’t look down on the best clothes. I want the clothes in his hands today.” Lin Youcai said in a strong tone.
Upon hearing this, the beauty salesperson was even more embarrassed: “Why don’t you take a look at this dress? This gentleman has already chosen this dress…”
Lin Youcai snorted coldly, he didn’t care about it! The beauty she brought with her was wronged, and she had to find this place for whatever she said, so that the kid from the mountain in front of him would know how big the gap between the two of them was!
“I said nothing else, no matter how good it is, I don’t like it. I just fancy him holding this one in his hand. The smell of your mountain people is heavy. I don’t want the one he tried to pass. Can he afford the clothes in this brand store even if he tried it?” Lin Youcai gave Yu Sheng a provocative look.
The beautiful salesperson heard this and took a look. Yu Sheng was holding the clothes tag in his hand. This is a piece of clothing worth 150,000 yuan!
The price of this dress is only up to 1,000 yuan. If you don’t buy it for the rest of your life, you’re really losing money.
“Sir, why don’t you take a look at other clothes, this one is worth 150,000.” The beauty salesperson directly told Yu Sheng the price of this dress, thinking that he would be able to retire, so that he would not be that way. It’s hard to be a man.
Who ever thought that for the rest of his life he would not accept her affection at all, instead he took off the tag from the clothes, and said indifferently: “It’s only 150,000. The clothes are very comfortable to touch, and the price is not expensive. I want this dress!”

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