Don't Mess with this Son-in-Law

Chapter: 1792

After returning from Du Fei, Yu Sheng went directly back to the house to find Magnolia. As Du Fei said, Magnolia had always been very worried about the affairs of the Bai family, and had trouble sleeping and eating for a while.
She is pregnant now, and her thoughts will definitely increase. On the surface, she doesn’t seem to have anything. However, girls have always been sensitive in their hearts, and they must have thought a lot in their hearts.
When he was approaching his room, Yu Sheng suddenly heard it, and there was a quarrel in it.
He pursed his mouth, how could he hear a quarrel in his room?
It shouldn’t be! Doesn’t he remember that only Magnolia lives in his room? Who is Magnolia arguing with?
Everyone from the Xuantian Sect knew that the wife of the lord was pregnant, and they would not come to the house to quarrel with the wife of the lord.
Zhu Xiaoshu seems to be usually careless and bluffing, but she is still very measured in certain things. Otherwise, she would not choose to accept her as an apprentice in the first place, and she would never quarrel with Magnolia.
Yu Sheng walked a few steps forward, his ears lightly pressed against the door, and he listened carefully to what was arguing inside.
Although there are people with martial arts, they can hear clearly from a long distance, but for the rest of my life, I was afraid that I could hear it badly, or something might happen too late, so I deliberately pressed to the door.
“Didn’t you promise me that you just made a little trouble and stop? Now, what are you doing again?”
Yu Sheng heard Bai Magnolia’s roar, her roar was very suppressed, as if she was obviously angry but still restrained him and couldn’t let her utter it.
There was no response from the other side. Maybe Magnolia was the only one in it. As for the so-called quarrel, Magnolia made her own voice.
However, the person who responded to her may be the one who was on the phone, and Yu Sheng listened to it while pondering the scene inside.
“Headquarters headquarters, stop telling me about headquarters. I really respected the headquarters before, but now? I’m sorry, if you dare to hurt him, I don’t know what I will show, or make something what.”
Magnolia gritted her teeth when she talked about it. She was threatening the person on the other side of the phone. Her voice was particularly cold, which was fundamentally different from what she used to be around Yu Sheng.
Yu Sheng had never heard Magnolia say such a thing, so cold, at this moment, Yu Sheng felt that the people inside were a little strange.
“Dare to hurt him” who is hurting? To make Magnolia so angry, after listening to what Magnolia said just now, she rushed out of her mobile phone, tearing her heart away.
After a while, Yu Sheng heard the Magnolia in the room say to the person on the phone: “008 don’t expect me to go back anymore, I won’t go back anymore, I want to be by his side, I’m pregnant, I want to Stay with him, do you know?”
“Also, you can no longer hurt him, or do things that hurt him, otherwise I really don’t guarantee that I will do something.”
“Don’t talk about that anymore. From beginning to end, you are not trustworthy. I am white magnolia. Do you know that white magnolia?”
For the rest of my life, I couldn’t hear what the person opposite the Magnolia phone said?
He only heard the magnolia magnolia talking about it. After speaking, he was so helpless, the whole person was about to cry.
What 008? What headquarters? It’s all messy things.
Is the person these people want to hurt themselves? Magnolia said these things because she didn’t want the other party to hurt herself?
She is Magnolia, why should she emphasize her name again?
The more he listened to Yu Sheng, the more confused he became. He especially wanted to rush in to ask Magnolia, but the state of Magnolia inside was obviously very wrong. If he rushed in and waited to scare Magnolia, it would be bad.
Moreover, she is still pregnant, what should I do if she has a fetal gas?
Yu Sheng thought of this, frowned, and couldn’t help but feel distressed.

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