Even After Death

Chapter: 1006

“There are tens of millions of ways to make people speak, which one do you like?”

“It’s useless. Since you know my identity, you should know that what people like us are most afraid of is threats.”

“I know your mouth is hard, but Ah, black fox, you have been out of this circle for five years. Don’t you know that the means of coercion now is not coercion.”

Li Tingchen took out an injection, “This is the latest banned drug developed. After taking it, it will make people lose consciousness and obey obediently. That means if I let you go east, you will go east. If I tell you to tell the truth, you will tell it obediently. I am now old and can’t see blood. Think about it. Do you say it yourself or do I ask you to say it?”

A touch of coldness flashed in Black Fox’s eyes, “There is no such medicine in this world.”

“Oh, you’ll know if you try it or not.”

Li Tingchen approached the black fox step by step with the potion, and whispered in his ear in a deep voice: “Soon you will know what life is better than death.”

For such people, they are not afraid of death, pain, but fear of losing consciousness. The headlights above their heads shine on the black fox’s face, and it is already obvious that his forehead is densely covered with sweat.

When the cold injection pierced the skin, it was just like an ant bite to him, but the blue veins on the back of his hand were exposed, and he clenched his hands into fists, struggling uncontrollably.

Li Tingchen stared at him coldly, “Do you say it now, or do you say it without dignity for a while?”Who have you been working for all these years?Who instructed you to hurt my son and Susu?For the sake of my peers, I can let you die with dignity.”

The black fox’s Adam’s apple rolled, “If you die of this heart, I won’t say if you kill me. You can deceive other people with this trick, but you can’t deceive me.””

He has a strong sense of anti-reconnaissance and his psychological quality is much better than that of ordinary people.

“Very good, I have plenty of time to wait for your medicine to take effect.”

Li Tingchen returned to his seat and continued to check the black fox’s information carelessly, “Country A, both parents have died since you were a child. The information says that you still have a younger brother.”

The black fox’s pupils dilated. He had been incognito for so many years, but he didn’t expect to be found out.

“He doesn’t know at all, don’t do it to him.”The expression of the black fox finally fluctuated.

Li Tingchen flipped through the information slowly, “Really?innocent?Isn’t my son who is less than two years old innocent?When you pushed him down, did you ever think that he was still a child who didn’t know anything?”

Chen Ling walked in and whispered a few words in Li Tingchen’s ear, and handed over a mobile phone.

“Unfortunately, your phone has been hacked.”

There is no suspicious person in his mobile phone, not even a photo of his brother, and the property management urged him to pay the bill in a message on the chat software.

The black fox has no socialization, no friends, and is extremely self-disciplined.

“You should know that even deleted chat records can be restored.”

Black Fox smiled coldly: “Is it possible that I don’t have a chat history at all?”You can catch me, do you think I never thought there would be today?Don’t waste your energy, I said I have nothing to say.”

“You asked for this.”

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