Even After Death

Chapter: 1016

After three more noises, Manager Mo hung up. Li Tingchen put the gun against his head and said with hostility: “Looking for death?”

“Don’t worry, boss. This is the code between us. He will only pick it up if he calls three times. It’s like this every time.”

Sure enough, after the third bell rang for the third time, it was finally connected there.

As the black fox said, it is the voice of the voice changer, and it is not clear whether it is male or female.


“Boss, Lao Hei contacted me suddenly!”Manager Mo’s voice was very nervous and urgent.

“Oh?Why is he looking for you?”The other party’s voice is not in a hurry or slow. At first glance, he is a person with a very stable mood. Such a person is the most terrifying.

“He said that there are some things he wants to talk to you in person. I wonder if you are free, boss?”

“Oh, he is also worthy?Find a reason to send it away.”

Saying that the other party was about to hang up the phone, Li Tingchen increased his strength, Manager Mo trembled all over, and quickly added: “Boss, Lao Hei seems to have something important to tell you. He asked me to tell you that he has a way to discuss with you, and he will be able to complete the task tomorrow.”

Manager Mo is only responsible for contacting, and he doesn’t know the specific tasks.

So when he said this, the other party pondered for a moment, “Okay, you let him contact me.”

“Okay, the field is busy at the moment, and I don’t know where Lao Hei has gone. If I find it, I will let him contact you immediately.”

“Hmm.”Hung up the phone over there.

Manager Mo was sweating all over, “Boss, do you think this will work?””

Li Tingchen ignored him, but looked at Chen Ling, “How’s it going?””

“I found it. The address is Lushan Haiyuan, Binhai Road, west of the city.”

“Act now!Remember, don’t scare the snake.”

Li Tingchen’s gaze fell on the black fox, “In three minutes, you will be responsible for contacting and holding him back!””

Chen Feng is ready to go, “The helicopter is ready and it is expected to fly to Binhai Road within five minutes.”

Li Tingchen raised his finger, “Let’s go and keep in touch at any time.”


Chen Feng disappeared with his bodyguards, but Li Tingchen was not at all excited, his face remained calm.

After a few fights with that person, Li Tingchen found that he was a thoughtful person, and if you want to win, you must be foolproof.

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