Even After Death

Chapter: 1021

She waited so hard for so many years for today, and she felt that it was all worth it in the face of everyone’s compliments.

From now on, no one will laugh at her birth, her uncompromising methods.

Only the winner is qualified to write a new chapter.

She will become the object of envy and pursuit by everyone.

Just when everyone was talking about it, today’s protagonist, Old Man Li, finally appeared.

His complexion was slightly haggard. In the past few days, he didn’t know if he had a bad rest and was in poor spirits. He was sitting in a wheelchair.

And there were two women standing on his left and right, one green and one white, Shen Lanzhi and Su Qingyu.

Su Qingyu and Shen Lanzhi look completely different, but they are so beautiful that they have their own merits.

The two of them are like the bright moon in the sky, floating high in the air, making people dare not approach.

Those who yelled whether Shen Lanzhi had become a crazy aunt were dumbfounded one by one.

Shen Lanzhi turned out to be the same as she remembered. The years seemed to be extremely tolerant of beautiful women. In addition to her temperament, Shen Lanzhi was also too beautiful.

She and Su Qingyu stood together like a pair of sisters with different styles, and they couldn’t move their eyes at all.

Li Nanci and Li Ningwei, who were standing in the distance, turned their heads, their eyes fell on the two of them, and a look of amazement passed through their eyes at the same time.

Time seems to be stagnant at this moment, and some people are really beautiful to this point.

One is like a spring flower, and the other is like an autumn moon.

Li Nanci tightened his fingers with champagne. At this moment, he felt like he was dreaming. He began to question himself. Is this still the Shen Lanzhi he knew?

Countless times Shen Lanzhi smashed things in his mind, hissing and yelling in the ruins, either crying and begging him not to go, and arrogantly insulting Ning Qing.

Now she looked cold and arrogant, sweeping the audience like a goddess, her gaze did not stay on her face for a moment.

As if she and she had become passers-by, her eyes were strange.

Li Ningwei stared at Su Qingyu’s face almost obsessively. He had long known that this woman was beautiful, but he didn’t expect her to wear cheongsam, simple but textured clothes on her body, like a goddess on the moon, coldly looking down at the world, inexplicably aroused a man’s desire to conquer.

The moment the old man, daughter-in-law, and grandson-in-law appeared, they attracted the attention of everyone in the audience.

Shen Lanzhi’s current state is too different from the image of the crazy woman in everyone’s mouth, especially when she is standing next to the old man, and Ning Qing, who flaunts that she is the daughter-in-law, didn’t even touch the corners of the old man.

She was dressed up so finely that she took care of every finger carefully. As soon as Shen Lanzhi appeared, the natural aura of the rich daughter instantly crushed everything.

In front of Shen Lanzhi, Ning Qing was like a living Christmas tree, wearing the most expensive dress with various ornaments hanging from her body.

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