Even After Death

Chapter: 1060

After Lin Yan finished patiently explaining, Li Tingchen suddenly said, “Thank you, what happened before……sorry.”

Lin Yan was taken aback, “It’s really not easy to hear this sentence from your mouth. It’s been a long time since it happened. In fact, I also want to thank you. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t find a lover. I only have friends left for Qingyu. Her life is too pitiful. People want to care about her a little more, and I have gained a lot in the past two years of studying abroad. It’s not a loss.”

“Susu’s mood is not very good, please enlighten her more.”

Lin Yan shook his head helplessly: “Mr. Li, untie the bell and return it to the bellman. Her heart disease lies in you. Let her take a good rest while she can still fall asleep at this moment. She won’t be able to sleep for the next three days if she wants to.Fortunately, she has already metabolized all the toxins from two years ago. The side effects of this chemotherapy will increase by one layer with each stage. By the time it is five or six times, every inch of bone marrow will be painful, making people unable to survive and die, but if Qingyu can survive until that time, it will be considered a good phenomenon. She is so sick now, I am afraid of her……”

“There will definitely not be that day.”Li Tingchen hurriedly interrupted him.

Lin Yan also knew each other and closed his mouth, “I’m going out first, call me anytime if you have something.””

When Li Tingchen returned to the ward, Su Qingyu was already asleep, his face weakly visible to the naked eye.

She was barely able to fall asleep that night, and early the next morning, Su Qingyu just opened her eyes and wanted to get out of bed and go to the bathroom.

The strength under her feet seemed to be taken away, her head was light, and her body suddenly fell down.


Li Tingchen heard the movement not long after he fell asleep. When he looked up and saw Su Qingyu falling to the ground, he quickly hugged Su Qingyu.

“Are you okay Susu.”Even though he was already holding it in his arms, Li Tingchen was still in a cold sweat behind his back.

Su Qingyu’s current body can no longer be judged by ordinary people, and a slight fall will cause irreversible damage to her body.

Su Qingyu’s face was as pale as white paper, “I……”

She didn’t have the strength to calm down with Li Tingchen at all now, she couldn’t even say a word, she was almost suffocating.

“What?Are you thirsty or hungry?Let me know if you need anything.”

Su Qingyu was a little hard to say, “You, go and find me a female caregiver.”

Li Tingchen understood immediately, and he hurriedly carried Su Qingyu to the bathroom, and Su Qingyu was so embarrassed that he drove him out.

Li Tingchen stayed by the door, hurriedly called Sister Li to come over, and prepared breakfast again.

Su Qingyu almost exhausted her strength after a simple freshen up, and Li Tingchen helped her back to the bed.

“Susu, don’t be angry with me. It is imperative to take care of your body.“

Su Qingyu looked at the fish porridge. It was originally very light and appetizing, but today she felt a little nauseous when she saw the food. She frowned and said, “I can’t eat it.””

“If you can’t eat it, you have to eat a little bit, good boy.”Li Tingchen coaxed softly, full of patience.

He hadn’t slept well in the past few days, and he stayed up all night again. The man’s eyes were blue, and his handsome face was a little more haggard.

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