Even After Death

Chapter: 1068

After Bai Yuanyuan was furious, she immediately felt guilty again, and quickly hugged the child in her arms, “Baby, mom didn’t hurt you, did she?”Mom didn’t do it on purpose.”

She hated Su Qingyu to the bone, but when she thought that Su Qingyu was about to die, her mood improved again.

A flash of excitement flashed across her face, “That bitch is going to die soon, it’s great!”Obediently, we have a father again. You are so like him. You must please him well so that he can treat our mother and son better.”

After Bai Yuanyuan experienced the ups and downs, her spirit also became very abnormal. She laughed and cried for a while, and her expression was crazy, making Li Qingchen more and more afraid of this woman.

big.His big eyes were full of fear, and he couldn’t say a word.

Zhu Qing knocked on the door, and as soon as he came in, he saw Li Qingchen’s face flushed and swollen.

Bai Yuanyuan used to hit Li Qingchen’s ass when she was emotionally unstable, but she had never hit him in the face.

This made Zhu Qing, who brought Li Qingchen up with one hand, feel distressed.

“You have seen it all.”Bai Yuanyuan even had a nonchalant expression, “I hit my own son, why are you looking at me with such eyes?””

Zhu Qing forcibly endured the anger in his heart and said, “I want to know what the young master has done that is beyond reason. Do you want to do such a heavy hand to a child under the age of three?”The young master is so good, it’s too late to hurt him, how can you bear it?”

“Presumptuous, what kind of thing do you dare to talk to me like that?”

Bai Yuanyuan tried to stand up and hit Zhu Qing. She forgot that her leg bone was basically shattered. She had no ability to move, and she fell down hard as soon as she stood up.

Zhu Qing hugged the child with pity on his face, “I used to endure it, but you have intensified your treatment of the young master. Do you know that slapping is likely to cause the child to be deaf?””

She thought Bai Yuanyuan would learn from so many blows. It turns out that some people are born with bad seeds, and the country is easy to change and difficult to change. She even became more extreme than before, and she couldn’t help but take the child to vent her anger.

Seeing Zhu Qing about to leave with the child in her arms, Bai Yuanyuan changed her face on the spot, where there was still arrogance.

“Where are you going?”

“Originally, the young master trained alone for nearly a year, and he became strong and confident. It was you who cried and begged to see him that Mr. Li gave you this opportunity, but he only became so sensitive when he came to you. It turns out that you are not worthy of being a mother at all, nor are you worthy of raising the young master.”

Bai Yuanyuan immediately burst into tears and begged for mercy, “Zhu Qing, I was wrong. Don’t send him away. I will never do this again. I only got angry when I heard his name was Su Qingyu and his mother didn’t call me. I swear I will treat her well. Don’t tell Ting Chen.”

Bai Yuanyuan knew that she had almost practiced Qilin’s kindness to Li Tingchen. If she angered Li Tingchen again, it would not just be as simple as breaking the marriage contract.

She and the Bai family are over!

She was like a stranded fish squirming on the ground, and said in tears: “Zhu Qing, I beg you, will you give me another chance?””

Zhu Qing has been with Bai Yuanyuan for a few years, and he has never seen her look like a pitiful bastard.

Bai Yuanyuan cried endlessly, “I have no parents, no home, and it is impossible to stand up again in this life. I only have these two children. If you tell Ting Chen, he will definitely not let me see the children again.””

Bai Yuanyuan struggled to pull Zhu Qing’s trouser legs and begged hard, Zhu Qing had to leave a sentence: “Never again.”

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