Even After Death

Chapter: 108

“Susu, if you dare to die, I will bankrupt the Lin family. You know that I will do what I say.”

“Li Tingchen, you still do your own thing like this until you die.”

Su Qingyu smiled with a smile, “Li Tingchen, you can’t threaten a dead person. I’m all dead. What else can you control others?””

“Why do you have to die?If you want to die, you don’t have to wait until today. A year ago, even the Su family went bankrupt. Susu, how did you become what you are now?”

Li Tingchen didn’t understand. At that time, no matter what difficulties she encountered, she would gritted her teeth to overcome them, and she would never bow her head, but why now, she only has this path left?

She had already survived the most difficult days. Obviously, she had already given her a generous fee. She could have no worries about food and clothing, and even do everything she wanted to do.

“I’ll give you whatever you want.”He made a concession.

“Li Tingchen, why do you think that after you hurt me like that, as long as you say a few words, I can forgive you, and then pretend that this has never happened before and live again. Why do you always think you can control everything?”

“Let me tell you, in fact, you can’t control anything. I was pushed into the water by Bai Yuanyuan a year ago, just because she said that we fell into the water at the same time, who would you choose to save?How could I bet on my child with her?I can swim. Have you ever thought that I am a pregnant woman. I will cramp in the water. My feet are entangled in fishing nets and I almost lost my life!”

“In the bathroom, I begged you as desperately as that day. You still think that nothing will happen to my body at all, Li Tingchen, I have had enough of your self-righteousness, moody, and self-contradiction. You can neither control my life nor my death.”

Su Qingyu pulled his body hard, and his fingers slipped from Li Tingchen’s palm one by one.

“No, Susu……”

“Li Tingchen, it would be nice if I didn’t see you that year. You won’t know that you once occupied my entire youth. I will read about you for many years and think about it many times because of that glimpse. But today, this heart should stop beating for you.”

She tried to raise the corner of her mouth, “Li Tingchen, if there is an afterlife, I just want to never meet you again.”

After saying the last sentence, all five of Su Qingyu’s fingers fell off Li Tingchen’s palm.

Goodbye, my youth.

Li Tingchen, never see each other again.

Su Qingyu jumped from the seventh floor with the unquestionable determination to die. She could only cut off the shackles of Li Tingchen in this way.

But she didn’t expect that when she jumped down, Li Tingchen was faster than her.

She saw that the man jumped from the window without hesitation, and slammed his left foot on the window sill as a pedal, giving his body an acceleration.

He had already reached Su Qingyu’s side in the blink of an eye, Su Qingyu’s eyes widened, and his pupils shook violently.

Is he crazy!

In the flying snowflakes, she confronted Li Tingchen’s extremely cold and angry eyes, and he pounced on her with all his strength, like a big net. Su Qingyu wanted to escape, but he couldn’t escape his palm.

In front of him, she was as fragile as a moth, and she once broke into the fire in spite of everything for that beam of light.

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