Even After Death

Chapter: 1086

“Does Mr. Su Er know about Tianning?”

At the beginning, Su Shiyu wore a mask all the time. As the chaebol boss behind Tianning, his identity must be little known. Maybe even his family didn’t know it. Su Qingyu could only inquire from the side.

Sure enough, Su Shiyuan scratched his head in annoyance, “What Tianning?”

“It’s nothing, I just asked casually, is Mr. Su in bad health?”

Thinking of the haggard face of that person two years ago, it’s been two years, it’s impossible that you haven’t found a suitable kidney source, right?

Like the status of the Su family, no matter what means are used, it is not difficult to find a matching kidney source.

Su Shiyuan’s voice was low: “Well, it’s a bit troublesome, Miss Su can mention any needs.”

Su Qingyu asked a few questions. After all, he was not a familiar person. Su Shiyuan hung up without revealing Su Shiyu’s current situation.

If the road to Tianning is impassable, then only Zhou Yuantang can be found.

Su Qingyu looked at the head that had been silent for a long time and took the initiative to take this step. Zhou Yuantang, who had returned to her in seconds before, seemed to have fallen into a sea of stones and had no news.

His number has also been cancelled a long time ago.

Su Qingyu clutched her mobile phone in a daze, could it be that God really wanted to kill her and blocked all her roads.

Li Tingchen didn’t know when he appeared behind her, and said the current situation again, “Su Shiyu’s life and death are unknown, and Zhou Yuantang’s whereabouts after entering Kunlun are unknown.”

Su Qingyu’s face darkened, and she smiled helplessly: “Maybe this is my life, God won’t even let me go the last way.”

Li Tingchen’s face was distressed, “Susu, I have sent additional manpower to find it, and I will definitely bring Zhou Yuantang back safely.””

Su Qingyu asked him rhetorically, “What if I can’t make it to that day?””


Li Tingchen was silent, he didn’t dare to think about this result, let alone mention it.

“People will eventually die, and I am no exception, Li Tingchen, you and I will always have a difference.”

Su Qingyu looked at him calmly, “My heart is no longer on you.”

The man’s thin lips were tightly pursed, and his hands hung on his side, like a child who had done something wrong.

“I know.”

Su Qingyu looked at him like this, but after all, he didn’t say anything, “I’m tired.”

“I’ll take you back to rest.”

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