Even After Death

Chapter: 1093

Li Tingchen didn’t expect these people to be so pervasive, and tried everything he could.

“Chen Ling, go check this Aunt Wang.”

Aunt Wang’s circle was simple, and she quickly responded. It turned out that a little girl instructed her to do so.

Chen Ling also handed over a photo taken by nearby surveillance, “Mr. Li, don’t check it, it was the lady who did it.””

Li Lanrui’s face was clearly visible in the surveillance footage, and she didn’t even cover it, as if she had been photographed on purpose.

Li Tingchen clenched her fists tightly, “She is telling me in this way that she wants Susu to die!””

The grudges between Li Tingchen and the Su family are no longer mortal, and Li Lanrui is still adding fuel and vinegar, leaving him and Su Qingyu no room to look back.

“She is trying to kill me.”Li Tingchen sighed.

In order to divide the feelings between the two, Li Lanrui did everything she could to push Su Qingyu into the abyss of hell step by step.

After the incident during the day, Su Qingyu was greatly frightened, and since then he has been devastated, sweeping away the previous good momentum.

Li Tingchen was anxious in his eyes and in his heart, but he was helpless, whether it was physical or psychological pain, he could not bear it for Su Qingyu.

Seeing her languishing day by day, Zhou Yuantang had no news for a long time, and Li Tingchen was panicked and anxious.

However, Su Qingyu didn’t want to talk to him yet. He could only understand her current situation through the glass outside the door and the doctor.

Su Qingyu spent most of these days lying on the bed wiping away tears, and Sister Li and Shen Lanzhi took turns to persuade her that it didn’t work much.

She has a heart disease, and no matter how good a doctor is, she can’t cure it.

Shen Lanzhi patted Li Tingchen on the shoulder, “You still need heart medicine to treat your heart disease. Your daughter-in-law has no desire to survive. You have to be mentally prepared.”

Everyone persuaded him so, but until today he was not ready to separate from Su Qingyu.

Li Tingchen hesitated to step into Su Qingyu’s ward. She was curled up in the quilt, a small ball, looking pitiful and weak, how could she still be as energetic as before.

He couldn’t help wondering if she hadn’t married herself in spite of everything back then, would the ending be very different.

Su Qingyu raised his eyes and looked at him slowly, “You are here.”

Li Tingchen stretched out her hand and plucked the hair from her cheek behind her ear, “Susu, will you live?”Count me begging you.”

She stared straight at the pale ceiling above her head, “Li Tingchen, take me away, I don’t want to die in the hospital, it’s deserted.”

“Nonsense, you won’t die.”

“I dreamed of those two children last night. They said they missed me so much and I wanted to be reunited with them.”

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