Even After Death

Chapter: 111

“It better be like this.”

Yang Han nodded and left, for fear of angering Li Tingchen again at this time.

He went back to the office as soon as possible to print out the inspection list that Su Qingyu was going to do.

Su Qingyu’s high fever finally subsided that night, and early the next morning.

Su Qingyu was awakened while still asleep, “Miss Su, it’s time to check your body.””

Su Qingyu, who was groggy in his head, woke up instantly, “What?”

The nurse patiently explained: “Miss Su still needs to do further examinations.”

Hearing these two words, Su Qingyu’s back cooled. Did Li Tingchen notice something?

Although Yang Han only slept for two or three hours a night, he was still in good spirits at this time. Seeing that Li Tingchen was not present, he deliberately lowered his voice and said, “Madam, Mr. Li really cares about you. Don’t you think this is a medical examination that I specially asked me to arrange for you.”


Su Qingyu only felt ridiculous when he heard these two words.

He checked himself, just to make sure he was alive, and then to facilitate his better torture.

Su Qingyu was just curious, if he really knew he had stomach cancer, what expression would be on his face?

“Do it.”Su Qingyu didn’t say much else, anyway, she has no choice now.

There are many examination items, but there is a lack of gastroenteroscopy. After all, it is very annoying to have a gastroenteroscopy. You have to take laxatives in the early morning and pull it on several times until your stomach is dry and then take anesthetics for examination.

Su Qingyu’s body is already weak, and she must not be able to stand such a toss. In addition, she has been married to Li Tingchen since she was a student. She has a regular schedule and generally has no problems with her stomach and intestines.

Yang Han didn’t even think about it in the direction of her bad stomach, and he didn’t specifically ask her to do an examination in this regard.

After the inspection, the results were processed urgently. Su Qingyu had been hungry all morning. As soon as he sat down and took two sips of porridge, Li Tingchen appeared at the door.

He has a long body and a cold expression as always. He should have rushed over from the company, wearing a straight suit and a black and white striped tie to make the man look more majestic.

She bought this tie for him before, and Su Qingyu can still think of the sweetness when she put it on him.

After two years, now she is only sad.

Li Tingchen’s gaze fell on her pale little face. Why did she always appear in such a weak posture every time she met?

Is it really her body that is different?

“Don’t worry, Mr. Li, I won’t die, and I won’t seek death in the future.”Su Qingyu broke the silence between the two.

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