Even After Death

Chapter: 1123

She did not describe the process of her suffering, but took it one sentence at a time. Li Tingchen took the initiative to ask, “How did you escape?””

After all, the information he found was very general and there was no specific process.

Li Lanrui still didn’t describe this part too much, “It’s very simple. I have been planning for a long time. I hid a lighter and ignited the hay they had hoarded. The already poor family couldn’t burn it for long. It’s just……”

She paused and continued: “Before the fire, I trapped the family in the room and burned them alive. I walked out of the mountain for more than a month. Because of the severe burns, everyone regarded me as a monster. Fortunately, I met a good person. It took me many years and many operations to have such a skin.”

“Why don’t you go home early?”

“After being locked up for so many years, I have lived a life where pigs and dogs are inferior. I grab food with pigs in the pigsty every day and sleep in the kennel. If I hadn’t been too young, I’m afraid I would have been unable to keep my innocence. They are waiting for me to grow up and treat their fools as daughters-in-law. Even if I survive from the dead, I don’t even have the appearance of an ordinary person. What do I bring to see you?”

“Then I finally became like a person. Do you think I don’t want to come to you?But what were you doing then?I was busy falling in love. When I approached you, you didn’t recognize me. You thought I was the woman who came to pursue you and let people blow me out.”

Li Tingchen was not impressed, because since Li Lanrui was lost, the Li family had spent a lot of money on advertisements, and many people knew that the Li family had lost a second lady.

There have been not a few fake people over the years, so when such a face that is completely different from Li Tingchen, especially when she was a child, does not match her at all, everyone will only think that she is fake.

Li Lanrui, who was blown out, watched Li Tingchen surround Su Qingyu and held her to the sky.

“At that time, when I saw you holding her, I would kneel on one knee and put shoes on her, and I would take off my clothes and coat and put them on her. I thought of when we were young, it was clear that the person you used to treat like this was me, but why have you become another woman now?”

When speaking of this, Li Lanrui’s face obviously had a more hideous expression.

“Do you know what kind of life I live in the mountains?What did I rely on to survive?I have done so much, hurt so many times, crawled in the dark for so long, I just want to see you one day, didn’t you say that you will always love me and take care of me?Why are you hushing to another woman when I am suffering and suffering?”

This person is completely psychologically distorted, Li Tingchen frowned, “She is your sister-in-law!”You are my sister!You are two different individuals, and you occupy different positions. I can love her and will continue to love you. Even a kind person like Susu will accept you well.”

“I don’t need it!We are all Miss daughter, why is she smooth sailing, and I am going to be rough and thorny, what she has done is worthy of these blessings!So I want to watch her fall into hell and let her taste the pain too!”

Li Tingchen couldn’t help slapping her, “Just for such a false reason, you harmed her and our children. You are simply a lunatic!”

Although Li Lanrui was beaten, there was a paranoid and morbid smile on her face, “I am a lunatic, why should I carry the suffering in this world alone?”Now that I’m already in hell, I’m going to drag more people down, brother, if you want to blame, you have to love her!”

Speaking as if she remembered something, she added: “It’s okay if you hit me, but don’t forget, I’m the driving force behind it, but you are the executor. It’s you who don’t want to believe her, don’t care about her, snub her, bully her, and hurt her the most. The person who hurt her the most is you, not me.”

Li Tingchen’s raised hand also loosened at this moment. He knew that Li Lanrui was right, that he was the culprit, and he had no right to resent others.

He sat down and lit a cigarette, looking at the void, “Now that she has left, I have lost everything, are you happy?””

Li Lanrui’s gaze fell on Li Tingchen’s thin and haggard face. She didn’t speak, and she didn’t know what she was thinking.

The atmosphere was deathly silent, a cigarette had been burned out, and Li Tingchen re-examined Li Lanrui.

After experiencing those things, Li Lanrui’s heart changed, and it was even possible to become extremely resentful of Su Qingyu.

When for this reason she made herself and Su Qingyu fragmented, and the whole family, even the children, were lost, this reason always felt a little weak.

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