Even After Death

Chapter: 1140

Su Qingyu couldn’t squat down, so she could only sit in a wheelchair and watch Lin Yong light the ingot for her.

The fire light illuminated the night, a gust of wind blew, and half of the burning paper flew into the sky.

Su Qingyu followed the piece of paper and left.

“Dad, how are you doing down there?Don’t worry, my daughter is doing well.”

She was much more emotionally stable than before, and the fire burned for a long, long time, and Su Qingyu fell into a long silence.

Until Lin Yong’s urging came from his ears: “It’s late, Miss Su, let’s go back first. It’s windy by the sea at night.”

“Go back.”

When the voice fell, Lin Yong pushed her a few steps, and suddenly he looked excited and said, “Miss Su, look over there.”

Dazzling fireworks rose into the sky, blooming a beautiful flower in the sky.

“Bang bang!”

As fireworks exploded in the sky one after another, the last time such a beautiful fireworks feast was on Li Qingchen’s birthday, Bai Yuanyuan spent a lot of money to invite a professional team to perform.

It’s a pity that Su Qingyu was not in the mood to appreciate it at that time. The most beautiful fireworks she had ever seen in her life should have been when she was fifteen years old. Su Qiping specially arranged a fireworks dinner for her.

At the age of fifteen, carefree and carefree, she is still the proud son of heaven, has not suffered a little injury, and is full of fantasies about the future.

At that time, Su Qiping was elegant and gentle, and she was the father who loved her the most.

I still remember that many people came to the Su family that day, all of whom came to celebrate her.

Lying lazily on the plum blossom tree during the day, looking up at the fireworks above his head.

Su Qiping said softly: “As long as you like, my father will do it for you every year from now on.”

But no one has done it since then.

She only remembered Su Qiping’s death day, but forgot that tomorrow was also her own birthday.

She was pregnant four years ago, and she thought Li Tingchen would make good arrangements, but who knew he hadn’t moved all day.

Su Qingyu thought that he might be very busy, so he went to the kitchen and cooked a table of dishes waiting for him to come back.

Who knew that people hadn’t come back, but they were waiting for a hot search for news that he and Bai Yuanyuan had a candlelit dinner together.

It was clearly midsummer, and Su Qingyu felt cool.

Later, they went through a series of things, how could they have time for their birthdays, and they forgot about it over time.

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