Even After Death

Chapter: 1147

Su Qingyu was the only one left in the huge yard.

The solar light in the yard automatically lit up, illuminating her face.

There was no light on in the room, and she sat at the junction of light and darkness with a cold expression.

In the past, I was energetic during the day and ran parkour in the yard every day, or the bells on the cat stick were jingling.

Now there is only one person left, alone, and the shadow is drawn very long by the light.

A gust of cold wind blew, Su Qingyu glanced up at the tassels on the lamp hanging on the treetops, and was blown to swing left and right.

Su Qingyu smiled self-deprecatingly, there is nothing wrong with being alone.

Will not cause trouble to people, will not bring misfortune to people.

She got up and walked towards the room, and the darkness swallowed her body a little bit.

This is the path she chose by herself, and she will never regret it.

Su Qingyu has started simple exercises in the past few days. Although the amplitude is too large, it will still cause physical discomfort. Su Qingyu gritted his teeth to overcome it.

It wasn’t until seven days later that Lin Yan and Yuan Xite came to see her off.


It’s spring, everything is recovering, and Su Qingyu likes this city very much.

Even the sea is like a gentle mother, gently soothing her children.

Su Qingyu was wearing a big one.The big hat covered head to toe, revealing only a small face the size of a slap.

Her height of 168 and weight are only 85 kg, which is really pitiful.

Yuan Qian was very reluctant to wipe away tears, she actually understood Su Qingyu’s thoughts very well.

Su Qingyu was afraid of causing them trouble. Once the Li family knew that they had helped Su Qingyu fake his death, they would definitely become angry and angry with the Yuan family and the Lin family.

Since she can’t stay, the best decision is to support her, understand her, and let her live happily.

“Sister Qingyu, you must be careful all the way, and you must contact us more.”


Su Qingyu stretched out her hand from the hat to soothe her tears, and her voice was gentle and soothing: “Live a good life with Dr. Lin. I will never forget your great grace and virtue for the rest of my life.”

“We just want you to live happily, your life is too hard.”

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