Even After Death

Chapter: 1161

Lin Yong asked clearly in advance that there were only some tools in it, and no one would come here for a few months.

The door was pushed open, and an unpleasant smell came to his face.

The smell of mold is also mixed with the smell of blood.

It was about to get dark, and it was rainy again today, and the whole sea was dark, so there was no light in the room on the ground floor.

Except for the sound of the waves slapping on the hull, the room was frighteningly quiet.

Lin Yong walked towards the front step by step, and the person’s sixth sense reminded him that that person was in the room at the moment.

It was like a poisonous snake coiled in the dark, waiting for the right time to appear and give him a bite.

The sky was getting gloomy, the sea breeze was gradually rising, and the doors and windows were clearly closed. Su Qingyu didn’t know where the wind came from, which made her restless.

She raised her head and glanced out the window, and the sea breeze roared, bringing up the magnificent waves of the sea.

I have entered the devil’s sea area since today. Compared to the gentle sea area before, it is like a grumpy devil, opening his mouth to devour passing pedestrians and ships.

The waves slapped the hull, causing the hull to shake violently.

Sometimes the waves stirred up are as high as a few meters high, which is terrifying.

The color of this sea is deep, and it looks even more gloomy without the light of the sun.

Devil Sea, sure enough.

Su Qingyu stood by the window in a daze, looking at the scenery outside. It should be raining.

If it rains, the sea conditions will be even worse.

Thinking that he would sail on such a sea in the next few dozens of hours, Su Qingyu had trouble sleeping and eating.

Another big wave hit, and the hull shook violently.

Su Qingyu almost didn’t stop and fell to the ground.

She wandered around the room a few times and wanted to go out to find Lin Yong.

At least he would feel at ease in himself. After getting along these days, she unknowingly became dependent on him.

Just opened the door, before going out, the wind poured in, and suddenly closed her door again.

With great destructive power, it almost hit her nose.

The voice of a crew member came from the wind, “The young lady is staying in her room. At this moment, the wind is strong and the waves are heavy, and the hull is bumpy and it is easy to get hurt.””

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