Even After Death

Chapter: 1164

“Silly boy, I’m the captain, and I have to be responsible for my crew. Don’t be afraid, Grandpa promised to take you ashore.”

Uncle Meng didn’t have time to explain more to them and got up and left.

Wang Shu looked at Di Jing worriedly, but Di Jing did not look at her, but stared at the last chess piece that Uncle Meng had left on the board.

Knowing that there was a double cannon in front of him, he still took a step forward.

In this game, no matter how you go, it is a dead end.


Di Jing heard about pirates from Qi Xiao’s mouth. It was an insidious monster with no humanity but wearing human skin.

In order to seize resources, they do nothing evil and are the overlords of the sea.

This cargo ship transporting mineral raw materials naturally became the object of their gaze.

I’m afraid Grandpa Meng is in trouble this time.Trouble.

He only knows the danger, but he has no ability to stop it.

All you can do is to find Qi Xiao quickly and let Qi Xiao take them away before the accident.

A child who is only more than two years old has long known the meaning of life and death.

They don’t know why they live, just like ants, even if their lives are not satisfactory, they can only move forward.

At least, they haven’t put a stick of incense in front of their mother’s grave.


Wang Jing took Wang Shu’s hand, and before leaving, he pulled a tablecloth to pick up the unfinished cakes and snacks, tied two knots and hung them around his neck.

Although they are young, they are already very interested in running away.

Wang Shu had the same mind as him, and he had already guessed his intention.

“But Grandpa……”

Di Jing looked calm: “Looking for Dad.”

On this ship, only Qi Xiao is the one who can take them out of trouble.

The two little ones opened the door and saw the crew assembled.

A big ship could be seen in the distance, shining in the dark night, and the flag on the ship fluttered in the wind.

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