Even After Death

Chapter: 1168

A thought rose in her mind, and she didn’t care to verify it. When that thought came to her mind, Su Qingyu couldn’t control herself anymore and jumped off the fence.

Her mind was full of pictures she saw in four dimensions when she was pregnant three years ago. In her abdomen were a pair of well-behaved twins.

The girl looks like Li Tingchen, very lively and funny, while the boy’s facial features are a bit like himself, with a well-behaved personality.

Could this pair of children be her children?

Before Su Qingyu had time to feel the joy of meeting his loved ones, he fell into the grief after the reunion in the next second.

She is desperate to go towards the little girl, baby, do you know?Mom has missed you for a long, long time.

You must be safe.

The sound of ”Dong Dong” falling backwards into the water on the noisy boat was just like a small stone thrown into the water, without the slightest waves.

Lin Yong rushed to Su Qingyu’s room as soon as the incident happened.

The room was flooded by the strong wind, and there was no trace of anyone in it.

Could it be that something happened to her?

Lin Yong’s face changed drastically, and as soon as he went out, he heard the frightened cry of the child around the corner.

He hurriedly followed the sound, and saw a little boy sitting on the ground with a bag of unknown things hanging around his neck.

“What happened?”

Li Jing’s face was full of tears, and he stammered: “Sister, aunt, Hai!”

Lin Yong understood and seemed to understand nothing, so he quickly asked him again: “Have you ever seen an aunt who is so tall, thin and white, and her head is bare.”

The little boy nodded frantically, pointing his finger at the sea, “Drop, drop!Sister fell.”

“You said your sister fell in, and that aunt jumped down with her?”


Lin Yong is really going crazy, not to mention what the chaos is like now, Su Qingyu’s own body is only a little better, how can she just jump out of the sea to save people?

She is a mud Bodhisattva who can’t protect herself when crossing the river.

Lin Yong didn’t hesitate, and jumped down for the first time.

After Su Qingyu went through chemotherapy, her body was no longer what it used to be, and she was as fragile as a porcelain doll.

As soon as I got into the water, I felt the biting cold.

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