Even After Death

Chapter: 1169

Her bone marrow is usually colder than ordinary people. When she reaches the sea, her body trembles frantically, and she may cramp or faint anytime, anywhere in the next second.

But she knew she couldn’t be afraid. Her daughter was still so young. If she gave up, she would really never see each other again in her life.

How can she easily lose the baby she finally found?

But she didn’t have any lighting tools in her hand, and the sea was pitch black, and she couldn’t see the child at all.

Su Qingyu was about to cry in a hurry, why does God always like to make such jokes with her.

She has lost enough in her life, why should she face such suffering?

She would rather bear all this by herself, rather than embark on this path when her daughter was so young.

She must be very scared at this moment, the sea is so dark and cold.

Don’t be afraid, baby, mom will definitely save you.

I don’t know if God heard her prayer, Su Qingyu really grabbed the child’s arm in the chaotic and turbulent sea.

The moment she hugged the child and lifted it up, she burst into tears.

Baby, I finally found you.

The little girl had already swallowed several sips of sea water, and in extreme fear, her body trembled uncontrollably.

“Don’t be afraid, mom is here to save you.”Su Qingyu wanted to soothe the little girl’s emotions.

After all, she was so small, coupled with the chaos and noise at this moment, the pirate ship was getting closer and closer, and Uncle Meng had already launched a water cannon to counterattack the pirate ship.

The little girl’s life was on the line, and she was frightened and moved frantically at this moment.

Su Qingyu exhausted all her strength when she came to the surface holding her, and the child kept struggling, causing her to be a little overwhelmed and her physical fitness dropped rapidly.

The waves were so strong that she had already taken several sips of sea water, and Su Qingyu was still holding the child desperately, afraid of choking her.

But she felt as if her strength had been taken away, and her body was getting weaker and weaker.

Su Qingyu secretly said that it was not good, and if she went on like this, both she and the child would lose their lives.

At this time, she hated that she didn’t have a sound body and couldn’t even save her child.

The rain silk in the sky fell mercilessly and hit her face, and she was holding the child’s body floating in the sea.

She hated God’s ruthlessness and her helplessness, and finally found her biological daughter.

Why must it be on such an occasion?

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