Even After Death

Chapter: 1173

It can be seen that she was still cold, so Lin Yong quickly brought the ginger soup in her hand to Su Qingyu.

“You drink something hot to warm your body.”

“Yeah.”Su Qingyu finished drinking after a few sips, and found that he was still wearing wet clothes.

“Why haven’t you changed your clothes yet?I’m not afraid of catching a cold.”

“My health has always been very good, and it’s not easy to catch a cold. It’s not too late to change after I’m done. I’m a big man and I won’t get in the way.”

“How is the situation now?”Su Qingyu was concerned about another child again.

Lin Yong patiently explained: “The warship and the pirates are still exchanging fire. The current fighting situation is a bit fierce, but don’t worry, although Uncle Meng and the others were hit by shells, fortunately, there were no casualties. It will be safe when the pirates are dealt with cleanly.”

Su Qingyu was still not at ease. The child was only so young. He jumped down in a hurry and left him alone on the boat. How scared he should be.

“What’s the matter, miss?You seem to be very worried. Uncle Meng has been running a ship for so many years. These things were expected a long time ago. Running a cargo ship in the early years was called dancing on the tip of a knife.”

Su Qingyu was still frowning, Lin Yong’s gaze fell on the little girl aside: “You are so nervous about her, do you know her?Who is this little girl?”

Su Qingyu didn’t hide it anymore, after all, Lin Yong would know everything after Wang Shu woke up.

“She is my daughter.”

Lin Yong looked surprised, “But you don’t look old, why do you have such an old daughter, what about your husband?”How can he leave you alone?Could it be that you left you and the child because you were terminally ill?”


Su Qingyu’s face turned cold, and his tone was cold: “I don’t have a husband, only an ex-husband.”

“The lady must hate him so much, right?”

Su Qingyu didn’t want to continue this topic, “Well, I’m here to guard her, you go and change clothes.”


Lin Yong left the room lightly, wondering if it was Su Qingyu’s illusion, how she felt that Lin Yong’s back was a little lonely.

The moment he closed the door, Lin Yong’s expression suddenly became cold.

He went straight to the bathroom on the second floor and stood in front of the bathroom mirror. He reached out and took out the contact lenses in his pupils, revealing his own dark and dark pupils.

Then he slowly took off a thin layer of inverted mold on his face, and a delicate three-dimensional facial feature appeared in the mirror. Since he hadn’t basked in the sun for a few months, he was even paler with cold white skin, and the neckline of his shirt was slightly open.

Like a medieval vampire, elegant and precious.

He walked barefoot into the hot air rising from the mist, and the water from the shower fell on him, and a black liquid flowed out of him.

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