Even After Death

Chapter: 1179

“Good boy.”

Wang Shu thought this uncle was very strange, but she didn’t hate him at all.

She looked at her uncle’s face carefully. His uncle was so beautiful.

And he is also very patient, he will pick out the fishbone and feed the fish into her mouth.

Will tell her a story to reassure her that her brother will come soon.

He would also bring her candy, and Wang Shu liked this uncle very much.

The sky was bright, and the sea calmed down again.

The heavy rain stopped abruptly, and the sky finally cleared.

Su Qingyu’s high fever was intermittent, sometimes good, sometimes hot, and burned over and over again for a few days.

The ship finally came ashore and stopped on an island.

Without the turbulence on the boat, Su Qingyu finally woke up.

As soon as she opened her eyes, there was dazzling sunlight outside the window, and she stretched out her hand to block her eyes.

Just woke up, Su Qingyu had been relying on nutrient solution for the past few days, and his whole body was dazed, and his head was groggy.

Until a man’s voice sounded in his ears: “Miss, what do you think?”

Su Qingyu blinked his eyes, and then his brain restarted.


She shook her head and got up, Li Tingchen quickly adjusted the cushion for her and helped her sit down.

“We are now on an island. You had a fever after you fell into the sea the other night and it lasted for a few days. How do you feel now?”

“Headache.”Her voice was hoarse, “Thirsty.””

When the voice fell, Li Tingchen handed the water to her mouth, “Drink it.”

Su Qingyu didn’t care about the child, she just swallowed by instinct, too eagerly, and warm water flowed down the corner of her mouth.

“Slow down, don’t worry.”

Li Tingchen stretched out her hand to wipe the remaining water stains from the corner of her mouth. The moment her fingers were put on, Su Qingyu looked at him vigilantly.

Only then did Li Tingchen react to his current identity.

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