Even After Death

Chapter: 1180

He naturally changed the subject, “You just woke up, you can only eat some liquid food for the time being, don’t worry too much, I’m ready.””

After a few saliva drops, Su Qingyu felt a little more relaxed.

“Children, where are the children?”

Li Tingchen’s face was a little heavy, “Wang Shu is here, but Wang Jing was taken away and his whereabouts are still unknown……”

Su Qingyu looked anxious, and quickly reached out and grabbed his sleeve, “What are you talking about?”He was taken away, where did he take it?”

“Miss, you calm down first and I’ll tell you slowly.”

He took out the surveillance video, “Look, this man took him away, but the scene in the video I watched should be voluntary, and I think he should know this man.””

Under Li Tingchen’s comfort, Su Qingyu calmed down and watched the video over and over again.

Although the background of the picture is chaotic, the little boy did volunteer, and the person who took him away was Qi Xiao.

Knowing that it was Qi Xiao who took the child away, Su Qingyu was relieved.

After all, in such a chaotic situation at the time, Qi Xiao didn’t know that he was on the boat. If he jumped down to save Wang Shu, it was possible that both children would be lost.

He must have seen that someone had already gone down to save the child, and he had originally sneaked on the boat. When the time came to liquidate, the consequences were unimaginable, and he could only leave Wang Shu with the scene.

Su Qingyu’s mood was very complicated. He had just found the child, but he was immediately facing the pain of separation.


Li Tingchen added: “The girl’s name is Wang Shu.”

“Wang Shu.”Su Qingyu murmured softly.

She thought of a lot of names at the beginning, but then she ran into a premature birth of a child, and the name was not settled after all.

Unexpectedly, Qi Xiao gave them two good names, Sun and Moon.

“Where is she?”

“Next to it, I’ll take you there.”

Su Qingyu got out of bed in a hurry, but she forgot her weak body, her toes had just landed, and her body suddenly fell down.

Fortunately, Li Tingchen’s eyes were quick to catch her, and Su Qingyu couldn’t control herself because of this, so she hugged him.

She was dizzy and wanted to get up, but her body was too weak.

“Miss, the doctor said you have to rest for the time being, let me hug you over.”

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