Even After Death

Chapter: 1191

When I opened the door, I found that the ground in front of the door had been dragged over, and there were water stains on it. The staff reminded them to slip on the ground and told them to walk carefully.

Su Qingyu asked puzzledly: “I don’t usually clean it in the morning and evening. How can I clean it at noon today?””

“Miss Su is like this. Just now, a little brother who delivered food accidentally fell and made it everywhere, so we cleaned it again.”

“Okay, I see.”

Su Qingyu thought to himself that it was just a few drops of juice, and it should have been accidentally made by someone else.

Li Tingchen did not show up again all afternoon, and Su Qingyu did not deliberately look for him.

It’s just that she accompanied the child to watch the sunset by the sea, and the child was obviously a little absent-minded.

“Why are you unhappy?”

Wang Shu looked at the sunset on the horizon and murmured, “I miss my brother.”

They have been together since they were born, and although they are generally the same age, their elder brother will always take care of her.

When they were taken away by Qixiao, they occasionally couldn’t eat. Qixiao caught sea fish and hares, and they would give her the most tender meat.

When she gets to the big city, no matter what delicious food she buys, she will let her eat it first.

My brother is the sun and she is the moon. My father said that the moon is through the light of the sun, and they complement each other.

She is very happy to be with her mother, and deep down in her heart, she has never forgotten the existence of her brother.

Su Qingyu held the child firmly in her arms, not to mention her, she also missed that child very much.

Her days on the island were safe and at ease, and she was also thinking about the scenery.

After meeting in a hurry that night and parting, he didn’t even have time to call her mother.

Qi Xiao’s number had long been cancelled as an empty number, and Su Qingyu was also in suspended animation abroad. Qi Xiao didn’t know she was still alive.

If she moves too much, and she is afraid of attracting Li Tingchen’s attention, she will be taken back with her daughter, and she will never be free.

Su Qingyu had only one way to find Qi Xiao.

That is the island where they once stayed, and the people on the island.

Maybe someone still has contact with him, and she can contact him through a third party.

At least she had to let Qi Xiao know that she was still alive.

In this country, she still has to go back.

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