Even After Death

Chapter: 1211

“Okay, I don’t care if there are any side effects, and one shot will definitely not work in your situation, you have to get two shots.”

Li Tingchen gritted his teeth: “Fight.”

The injection slowly pierced into his skin, Li Tingchen closed his eyes, with only one thought in his mind.

He almost hurt her again.

At this moment, there is another charming room. The room is arranged very emotionally. There are large mirrors on all sides, so you can see her from any angle without dead ends.

There was a woman lying on the bed, who was Qiao Yi who had tried to seduce Li Tingchen.

She thought she had attracted a big fish, but as everyone knew, it was an unusual killer whale, a demon who used manta rays as toys.

Not long ago, Li Tingchen, who entered the room, glanced around the layout of the room, and Qiao Yi couldn’t wait to post it.

Li Tingchen hadn’t had an attack of the effect of the medicine at the time, so he stretched out his hand to stop her from approaching, and then said, “What medicine did you give me?””

Qiao Yi only regarded him as a fellow fellow, and took out a small medicine bottle without the slightest defense.

“This is an exclusive secret system. I’m afraid you won’t, so I can add some more doses to you.”

A sneer curled up at the corner of Li Tingchen’s mouth, “Really.”

Then his gaze fell on the box to the side, and Qiao Yi immediately introduced like a treasure: “I have all types, and you are satisfied with the package.”

Li Tingchen kicked away a few toys on his toes and picked up a few ropes.

Qiao Yi smiled with a smile on her face: “I can’t see that you are so boring, you actually like this type, don’t worry, I can cooperate with you.”

“Then let’s start now.”

“Dead ghosts, don’t even let people take a bath.”

“Don’t bother so much.”

Li Tingchen picked up the rope and gave her orders, “Stand here.”

Qiao Yi stood in the position of the steel pipe he was pointing at, and Li Tingchen picked up the rope and began to tie it up.

Gradually, Qiao Yi felt that something was wrong. This person’s binding method seemed to be tied by the police, especially her hands were tied in countless circles, and finally a knot that ordinary people would not know.

With his hands and feet tied up, Qiao Yi’s heart beat fast, “What kind of binding method are you?””

Li Tingchen was playing with a small medicine bottle in her hand and looked at her coldly, “What?Don’t you want to play with me?Scared?”

“What exactly do you want to do?”

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