Even After Death

Chapter: 1227

Qiao Yi hooked her finger at Su Qingyu, “Come with me, I’ll take you to her.””

Her words were the temptation of the devil.

If the child was in her hands, she would directly give the child to herself, so how could she say that she would take it with her.

Su Qingyu has already realized one thing, in addition to children, he is also one of the goals.

Is it the murderer behind the scenes?

No, if she didn’t know how to use this way, it would be simpler and rougher.

This woman’s accent is from Country A, but she is not from City A, and her appearance is a face she has never seen before.

It’s not an old grievance, it’s a new grievance.

Su Qingyu touched the dagger that Lin Yong gave her a few days ago in case of a rainy day.

She looked calm, pretending to be ignorant and ignorant, “Really?Is that kid with you?It’s great. She is so young, and I am afraid that she will run away and encounter danger. You are really a good person.”

Sure enough, after hearing Su Qingyu’s compliment, a triumphant smile appeared at the corner of Qiao Yi’s mouth.

It seemed to be laughing at Su Qingyu’s ignorance and stupidity.

“I also picked it up by hand. It’s not safe on this ship. I took her to me first. Seeing you in a hurry, I guessed if it was your child.”

“Then take me there quickly.”Su Qingyu behaved very anxious.

Qiao Yi smiled and said, “Don’t worry, I’ll take you there.”

The moment she turned around, Su Qingyu’s face changed, and she shot with lightning speed.

Su Qingyu kicked the woman in the calf. When the human body was about to kneel down subconsciously, she suddenly stepped forward and grabbed it, and the blade of the knife hit the woman’s neck.

“Give me back the child, or I will kill you!”

Su Qingyu knew that her stamina was insufficient. She only had one shot to kill. If she gave the opponent a chance to breathe, she would be done!

So her set of consecutive moves was very silky, no matter how fast the opponent reacted, the knife was already on her neck when she reacted.

“I can’t tell, you are quite spicy.”

Qiao Yi was not nervous at all, but joked.

Su Qingyu brought the knife closer again, “I asked where is the child?”

The sharp blade saw blood as soon as it touched the skin, and Lin Yong gave her a good knife.

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