Even After Death

Chapter: 1231

“Find someone and follow me.”

“Yes, boss.”

Li Tingchen didn’t have time to put on makeup, so he covered his face with a full-face mask.

He picked up his coat and walked out quickly.

When he arrived at the room that night based on his memory, the other party seemed to be waiting for him deliberately. The room was hidden, and Li Tingchen kicked the door open.

The room was empty, and there was no trace of Su Qingyu.

“No one!”

There is a letter on the table, unfolded in the font of Dragon flying and phoenix dancing: Are you still satisfied with the gift I gave you?

There is also a big one on the white paper.Big red lips.

The second piece of paper said: If you want to know their whereabouts, come to the feast.

When he saw these two words, Li Tingchen was about to go crazy.

Su Qingyu didn’t understand, but he knew exactly where the feast was!

There are many people on this ship who can’t see the light, and the feast is the most popular!

There is a giant auction house inside. Sometimes antique medicinal treasures are auctioned, and sometimes the objects are very special.


They come from different countries, different skin colors, different ages, and different genders, or they look weird, beautiful, and special.

Regardless of men, women and children, as long as they are sent up, they will become goods and let the guests bid.

Li Tingchen didn’t expect such a thing to happen soon after Chen Feng and Chen Ling got off the boat!

“Boss, what should I do now?”

Li Tingchen squeezed the note into a ball, his voice cold and ruthless, “Contact the boss of the feast to let people go.”

“But the boss has always been mysterious, but no one’s face is sold.”

“Not for sale.”

Li Tingchen exuded a cold chill all over, “Then destroy his ship, break his business, and let everyone bury her!””

Xia Wei was so scared that there was not a trace of blood on his face. Such a Li Tingchen was so terrifying!

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