Even After Death

Chapter: 1237

Li Tingchen will become a target.

He knew very well what the consequences would be once he did it, and he had no choice but to do it for Su Qingyu.

Even if he will block his future.

Li Tingchen covered his full face mask again, “Let’s go.”

At this moment, Qiao Yi looked at Su Qingyu who was sent to the stage, and a crazy look flashed in his eyes.

“Is Lin Yong here yet?”

Manager Wang shook his head: “Not yet.”

“Keep an eye on him, if he comes, let someone bring him a word.”


Manager Wang glanced at the woman’s crazy expression, a little uneasy in his heart.

When there was no one in private, a number was dialed, and after three times, a magnetic voice sounded from the other party: “It’s me.”

“Boss, there is something I want to report to you……”

The man on the other end of the phone was hidden in the dark, and in front of him was a huge holographic projection screen.

There are many small pictures on the screen, from the various surveillance pictures on the ship, each of which is clear and eye-catching.

After listening to Manager Wang’s narration, the man looked indifferent: “Let her do whatever she wants.”

“what?”Manager Wang was taken aback. He didn’t expect that his boss not only didn’t stop him, but instead supported Qiao Yi’s approach. He even thought he had heard it wrong.

The other party got up, picked up a glass of red wine at will, and stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window looking at the scenery outside the window.

His slender figure was reflected in the spotless windows.

His position is very high, like the god of the clouds looking down on all things in the sky.

“I said-let her do it!understand?”

Manager Wang also felt a coolness on his back across the mountains and rivers.

“Yes, I see, boss.”

The phone hung up, and the man turned and walked to the sand table.

A complex seven-star tower was spliced with Lego.

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